advantages of federalism in nigeria

This means that the citizens always have political responsibility to both governments who also secure their rights in the country. The pros and cons of federalism provide evidence that it is usually better for a society and nation if there is a system of power sharing available for the government. The federal system makes government more manageable. Jega, A. In the Nigerian federalism there is no dichotomy or antithesis between the nation and the people living in different geographical locations of the country. Political institutions, Kinship ties, Origin of towns and their cultural antecedents are enriched with similar history. Local governments receive the right to begin solving some of their own problems. What are the five advantages of federalism? Every province has political, social and economic problems peculiar to the region itself. Because each community can create their own set of laws and rules in a system of federalism (especially in the United States), then the structure can create unwanted competition for resources that seeks to limit some demographics. Too many elected representatives with overlapping roles may also lead to corruption. Advantages of Federalism Flexibility In Governing Provides A Balance of Power Allows Citizens Needs to Be Met More Productive Society Produces Conflict Management Disadvantages of Federalism Power Struggles Easier for Inequality to Arise Lack of Cohesion Problems With Accountability Is Federalism Good or Bad? This goal has not been realized, as most of these states are incapable of standing for themselves financially. These structures can be challenging to change when there are some many obstacles that are put in the way thanks to the checks and balances of this system. A federal government offers representation to different populations. The central government can sometimes overlook these differences and adopt policies which cater to the majority. "What do we want from federalism?" asked the late Martin Diamond in a famous essay written thirty years ago. The Nigerian federalism is a creation of the British. 23 November. There are natural disasters, national welfare aid distributed to the states for authorization, public education resources, and many more benefits or circumstances where someone must navigate each level of government to find the results they want. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The federal system makes government more manageable. National decisions can sometimes compete with state decisions. Common national, racial, religious, cultural linguistic or social ties have often contributed to the unification of political unit. This was due to several reasons such as: Dye, Thomas. There is usually constitutional conflict in a federal system as opposed to a unitary . Insecurity and the desire for union are the main reasons for the shift from unitary system of government to federal system of government in 1954. 1. These include: 1. Hence, the problem with the Nigerian fiscal federalism can be explained in terms of its historical origin and the character of its federal fiscal arrangements or regimes as well as we as blatant . IvyPanda, 23 Nov. 2019, This is so because where federal principles apply, the various ethnic groups that cannot or dont form majority to produce large part may have the opportunity of governing themselves within their federating unit controlled by them. Throughout history, it has been a political system where 2+ governments share authority over the same geographical area. You can use them for inspiration, an insight into a particular topic, a handy source of reference, or even just as a template of a certain type of paper. w !1AQaq"2B #3Rbr Thus, federalism seemed to be the only option left for Nigeria because it allows for popular participation in government. The federal system of government is very expensive as more people are elected to office, both at the state and the center, than necessary. Rights of the minorities are protected too. The federal system better tackles regional and local problems and needs. /BitsPerComponent 8 History of federal system of government in nigeria. 1. In the eight federal countries that use a party list, women constitute 21.4 to 48.2% of the central parliament, while the global average is 24.5% (Foster, 2020). Federalism is a system of government where there are a decentralization power and autonomy of governance to the regional or federated states that share sovereignty with the Federal Government. Fourthly, there shall be the existence of court to interpret the constitution as it applies to cases and conflicts among the tiers of government. All these strengthen political bonds and gave Rice to unity in diversity. The structure of federalism encourages local communities to self-govern in the most efficient manner possible. Nigeria as a country occupies a large geographical area and what she has as singular states in Nigeria is the equivalent of the entirety of some other African countries. Different states also have different laws making it hard to enforce law on visitors who had moved in the state. 1. limits the power of federal officials to determine local polices. The states' territories were formed around ethnic groups with common interest and close ties, culture, and dialects. Here lies the overiding importance of the two dates 25th February 2023 and 11th march 2023. If the policy proves to be beneficial, then it can be expanded to be used nationwide. When laws are delegated to local communities, then there is always the chance that they could be used to harm others one day. Thus, it is often said that only rich countries can afford it. Also read: Highest paying law firms in Nigeria. If this structure was not available, then you would get cookie-cutter regulations that may not apply to some geographical areas. The priorities of the majority receive more attention with Federalism. What were the reasons for the adoption of federalism in Nigeria? In 1788, Fisher Ames of Massachusetts made a declaration to increase the powers of the national government. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. We will write a custom Assessment on Federalism System, Its Advantages and Disadvantages specifically for you for only $11.00 $9.35/page. Samuel is bent on changing the legal profession by building Web and Mobile Apps that will make legal research a lot easier. That means some people in the U.S. must follow four different sets of laws. As a Nigerian, it is important to understand some basic things about the system of governance in Nigeria and why it is so. There was just the Northern Protectorate and the Southern Protectorate. BREAKING: Finally, Fayose former Ekiti state governor resigns from PDP, Jordan Nyesom: Wikes Son Was Shot Dead in US? Federalism in Nigeria is one of the most expensive. Two local governments can have two different approaches to bring reforms in any area of public domain, be it taxation or education. Abacha regime, added more states making Nigeria a federation of 36 states and Federal capital Territory at Abuja. Why indirect rule succeeded in Northern Nigeria, SEE REASONS HERE. They also have implied powers which are necessary in delegation of power in the nation. Here are just a few of the craziest laws you can find in the U.S. right now. What Are The Advantages Of Federalism? /Filter /DCTDecode What is the role of a reference librarian? Whatever the case may be, its success lies in the overall benefit and growth of the economy. No doubt, the Ethnic, Religious and Geographical nature of Nigeria also contributed to the reason why federalism was adopted. For example, pollution from a province which is promoting industrialization in a big way can affect another region which depends solely on agriculture and cause crop damage. << The state and the nation always evade responsibility especially when it comes to dealing with environmental issues such as cleaning up of Great lakes. People must stay in compliance with the laws that are in every layer of governing. This assessment on Federalism System, Its Advantages and Disadvantages was written and submitted by your fellow As of 2012, the population was about 166.2 million but this has increased to 200.96 million in 2019. Keep it up , Yes , I love it and I was sentitize on those reasons. Matters, enumerated in the exclusive list are selected for the federal authority, while matters that fall within the concurrent list are selected for the federal government, and the regions. Several positive and negative attributes of federalism have manifested themselves in the U.S. political system. Hence, earnings and wealth are unevenly distributed. Post-independence creation of states and further division of states created after independence was done as a framework for the development of Nigeria. Register or login to make commenting easier. "Federalism System, Its Advantages and Disadvantages." Here, the Attorney General of the Federation Instituted the case to test the true position so that the federal government would be guided on the varying issues of derivation formula. The USA and Canada were formed with the above interest at heart. Federalism provides a structure that diffuses governmental power . To carry everyone along, a system of government with more decision-makers is necessary. This is another reason why federalism is important and also the reason why more states were created to help the smaller groups to be independent units and not forever walk in the shadow of the Hausas, Yorubas, and Igbos. Thus each unit can exercise functions that they are well suited which promotes efficiency. November 23, 2019. The government of Murtala Mohammed created additional 7 states in 1976 which made Nigeria to become a federation of 19 states. The availability of resources in a particular region and the need for that area to control the resources has also been seen as a reason for a federal system in Nigeria. We use cookies and similar technologies to ensure our website works properly, personalize your browsing experience, analyze how you use our website, and deliver relevant ads to you. Thus, from 1914 to 1946, 1963, 1967, 1976, 1987 and 1993 the Nigerian IvyPanda. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Do you need underlay for laminate flooring on concrete? In summary, we use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Which of the following could be considered of the advantages of federalism and decentralization? Before the arrival of 2 Which of the following could be considered of the advantages of federalism and decentralization? An action of one government is always opposed by other government to enforce civil rights in Southern states. There can be a rebellion by a regional government against the national government too. In his judgment, Ogundare JSC agreed that the provisions to Sections 162(2) of the constitution re-stabilized the principle of derivation. Nigeria app ing this period of military rule were l ##### tral government. Your email address will not be published. His answer was that federalism a political system permitting a large . It creates checks and balances in a system that promote individual freedoms and self-governing at a higher level when compared to the other options which are possible. However, that is not so in a federal government system. Pillars of democracy: 7 Essential pillars of democracy. Naturally, federal system of government has some distinctive features namely: 1. Live, Study and Work in Canada. Knowing what you can or cannot do can be a confusing process, especially when there are conflicting statements offered by the different parties. Need to regulate interstate commerce power. So, our federalist form of government has several advantages, such as protecting us from tyranny, dispersing power, increasing citizen participation, and increasing effectiveness, and disadvantages, such as supposedly protecting slavery and segregation, increasing inequalities between states, states blocking national +rohyC ! 9S ) ?roh _ O4C sR & Pf?? AK kyC?& Pf;_Hu j_ G$: 5/ This process is one of the primary reasons why democratic countries choose this form over the other governing options which are available. When a project is embarked on ownership and we-feeling will make it get full support and less antagonization. Federalism was the only solution to ensure peace and unity amongst the leaders and the citizens and that was why federalism was adopted into the Nigerian political system. What characteristics allow plants to survive in the desert? This is because most people after they have committed a crime in a particular state, they escape and move to other states. When we have a chance to embrace diversity as a culture, then it is an opportunity to draw upon each of our strengths to create something amazing. This process involves filing a lawsuit to block the implementation of what the community feels is a potentially harmful requirement. Federalism was further adopted because the developed countries from which Nigeria borrowed democracy practice federalism. When power is not centralized in a government, then there are fewer issues with individual corruption that can impact the entire nation. The regional government had power over matters that are listed under the residual list. 3. gives people easier access to political offices because they may begin seeking elected offices at the. To avert this domination, states unite to form a strong, virile and stable union capable of withstanding external attacks. 5. Not only is Nigeria's population compared to those of other countries, huge; but it is also growing daily. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Among the merits of federalism are that it promotes policy innovation and political participation and accommodates diversity of opinion. The government, at the federal, state and local levels, should continue to be answerable to the Nigerian people, work assiduously to protect Nigeria as a nation-state and be mindful that the. It can also be used as a way to pass ridiculous laws as a way to make a political statement, discourage tourism, or some other specific result. Present Nigeria was formed by the amalgamation of two regions which many see as a big influence in why federalism was later adopted by the British and later on by Nigerian leaders as at the time of independence. Each state will receive 22% to 28% funds annually to spend in development. national: matters that affect the country as a whole (national security, promoting national economic prosperity) state: matters that lie within their region (education, healthcare, public safety, and other public services) What are the advantages of federalism in Nigeria? By way of conclusion, it is imperative to know that the reason why Nigeria is still practicing federalism today is because the system seems to be suitable for our political value and culture. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Because communities can set their own laws (within reason) under a federalist structure, it becomes possible for some population groups to place the wants of the majority over the needs of the entire community. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Federalism is a mixed form of government where there is a general government always known as the central or federal government and regional governments which could be provincial or states governments. It is also an undisputed fact that the Hausas and Yorubas fought Biafra to keep the unity of Nigeria. Some governments are trying it, while others or not. Between 1960 and 1996, the three regions have been divided into smaller entities which are now known as states and their boundaries were reorganised. Nigeria are typically inclined to the derivation principle, which is the process of distributing centrally generated revenue to constituent units with regards to the contribution made by a group to the country's more 12substantial income. All variables measure of fiscal federalism had a positive relationship with per capita income excluding revenue allocated to the LGA's, that of mortality rate had a negative relationship with the variables . Federalism does not get good press in Australia. The central government can concentrate more on international affairs and defense of the country while the provincial government can cater to the local needs. On the contrary it has also been suggested that is created more diversity and conflict for the nation to grapple with. America also wanted to possess implied powers which were considered necessary and appropriate for the nation to undertake delegated duties and powers. There are times when blocking the implementation of federal law is beneficial. 3 What are advantages and disadvantages of Constitution? Citizens of various provinces may have different aspirations, ethnicity and follow different cultures. Importance of Federalism in Nigeria are listed and explicated herein. However, the practice of fiscal federalism in Nigeria is a negation of true federalism. This regional arrangement gave rise to ethnic sentiment and political struggle for the center among the three major ethnic groups in Nigeria. 6. In theory, Nigeria is a three-tier federation, with local, state, and federal levels designated by federal law. Advantages of federalism. For the United States, there are local, country, and state governing authorities which all have a unique set of laws and regulations for people to follow. house of representatives and the Senate). This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Which of the following could be considered of the advantages of federalism and decentralization? It does not store any personal data. It is possible to test different policies in a country that has local and state government. Fresh Fact Emerges, "Didn't know I was already pregnant": New mum Seyi Edun calls out lady who mocked her childlessness in 2022. November 23, 2019. Because this structure of government looks at cooperation and sharing as its primary structure, there is an opportunity to try a different set of policies to see how they will work. IvyPanda. Read Also:Importance of Journalism in Nigeria. Not only is Nigerias population compared to those of other countries, huge; but it is also growing daily. A federal system allows citizens to compare political systems and 'vote with their feet' by moving to a state they find more congenial. Read Also:Importance of the Nigeria Foreign Policy. They can formulate policies which might be detrimental to other regions. Many Nigerian ethnic groups began to agitate for their own states. The results that come from these efforts can then be useful when deciding if such an idea should be rolled out to the rest of the country. +rohyC ! 9S ) ?roh _ O4C sR & Pf?? AK kyC?& Pf;_Hu j_ G$: 5/ 150 Cute Korean girl names and their meanings you will love, 100+ romantic love messages for husband to make him feel loved, Elon Musk loses richest man title again as Bill Gates threatens Jeff Bezos, Dangote slides, ANA congratulates Tinubu, warns Obasanjo against undermining democracy, Know your State's returning officers for 2023 presidential election as INEC declares Tinubu president-elect, 2023 presidential election results: Full list of states Labour Party's Peter Obi won, Work with Soludo: Metchi tells Tony Nwoye, Macpee, Emeka Idu. This particular corroborated federalism in Nigeria. They will then have special authority to control interstate businesses and trade with the foreign countries. This resulted in the loss of many lives. Have you ever wondered why Nigeria is practicing a federal system of government and not any other system? The Hausa Fulani and the Minorities feared the domination of political powers by the Igbos and Yorubas. If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda. Federalism in India. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Federalism can be inefficient. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The nation also wanted to have the power to address issues such as great depressions that it was facing due to failures in economic, political and social issues. The structure of this government can create inefficiencies in the system because the national government might not like the way the local officials choose to oversee their communities. The federal system makes government more manageable. We may share your site usage data with our social media, advertising, and analytics partners for these reasons. The Evolution, Development and Practice of Federalism in Nigeria Charas Madu Tella, Ahmed Wali Doho, Aliyu Bapeto Abstract Federalism is a political philosophy in which members of a group are . The federal government in America has special authority to control interstate businesses and trade with the foreign countries. Federalism can be structured to benefit only the rich. In the words of Richards, regionalism was introduced to strengthen unity in diversity. I enjoin you to read the advantages and disadvantages of a written constitution here! In the same way, the political culture of the United States is civic, republican and participatory. V(B8eDK@sx AK hG~ u;6DV,pwP# _ O4C sR 8_yC ! 9S ) ?roh _ O4C sR & Pf?? AK kyC?& Pf;_Hu j_ G$: 5/ This helped to solve the problem of marginalization in the leadership. 2. Federalism allows national governments to fight the local ones. Adobe d C The exact structures of each system can vary widely based on how the country sets up its governing process. 3. Unfortunately, since the formation of Nigeria and adoption of this system of governance in the country has not seen much effect of federalism. Required fields are marked *. In Nigerian democracy, there is a federalist system of government. Other forms of government do not offer such an opportunity. Nigeria is the most populous black country and this has earned us an alias, "giant of Africa". Moreover, Nigeria did not choose federal system of government because it is the best or most practiced system of government in the world. Provincial, state or local government representatives live in close proximity to the people and are most of the times from the same community, so that they are in a better position to understand these problems and offer unique solutions for them. Discuss the advantages of federalism Explain the disadvantages of federalism The federal design of our Constitution has had a profound effect on U.S. politics. federalism. The system causes government to have control of itself because of great rivalry of power between the state and the nation. For the time being the focus rests on advantages. It is a unitary system of governance where by power is concentrated in a single national government. Federalism creates a protection against tyranny. Importance of Federalism in Nigeria. Another reason why federalism is adopted by any country is that of its population. Politics in America, eighth edition/alternate edition. But before moving to the crux of this article, we will be looking briefly at the meaning and history of federalism in Nigeria. This article is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. Cookies are small files that are stored on your browser. /Subtype /Image 1. This seemed to be the default option given its heterogeneous nature. Federalism can encourage the passing of ridiculous laws. Also see: Differences between 1960 and 1963 constitution of Nigeria, reasons for federal system of government in nigeria. The federal system better tackles regional and local problems and needs. There is no doubt that geographical factored are one of the influential reasons for federalism in Nigeria. Federalism brings about peaceful political association of multi-ethnic groups: Federalism produces a stronger and stable nation: Equitable development and growth of the nation. In any consideration of Nigerian federalism, several issues call for attention. And even now we can see the population of Nigeria compared to other countries in Africa. This normally causes disintegration and internal conflicts among different states (Dye, 114). In other not to control only some parts of the big country, Nigeria, the colonial masters thought it wise to divide the country into different component units that will be represented in the government. Do you know the reasons for federalism in Nigeria? It contains thousands of paper examples on a wide variety of topics, all donated by helpful students. Copyright 2023 - IvyPanda is operated by, Continuing to use IvyPanda you agree to our, Federalism System, Its Advantages and Disadvantages, Anti-Anti Immigration: Principles to Make Migration Work, Australian Education System from 1788 to 1948, The Peopling Process of Australia Since 1788 With Influence of Racism, Methods of Dealing with Problems of Federalism, National and State Powers in American Federalism, Reasons for increase in the Powers of the Nation since 1788, Federalism and Government Styles in the United States, Federal versus State Regulation of Insurance Industry in United States. 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advantages of federalism in nigeria