alex danvers tortured fanfiction

It's the adoption agency saying that they have found a suitable baby for her. [3], Alex frequently struggled with dating and romance, unconsciously suppressing any feelings she developed towards other women. She is immediately nervous, and with Kara in Kaznia, she isn't of support. The moment Esme was going to be attacked, Sentinel and Guardian appeared to save her. Sentinel and the Superfriends see the Humanity Totem. Prompt: Lenas reaction to the headline that Supergirl has her nipples pierced. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. A fight between them ensued. Meanwhile, Alex and Maggie helped Supergirl in her investigations to track down Livewire, strengthening both their professional and personal relationship.[31]. Lena would like nothing more than to disappear until its all over. Then she told Alex, she understands how it feels to keep part of yourself locked away, and confirmed her support for Alex and her feelings towards Maggie. Status [59] At the Tower, Alex carried drawings of Esme focused on the Superfriends. [40] While doing some light commiserating with her sister, they are interrupted with the revival of Mr. Mxyzptlk, looking to make amends for his last visitation. During the ceremony Scorcher tried again to assassinate the President; they tried to stop her, but she ran away kidnapping Maggie an bringing her to a factory stock. What will happen when she has to take care of the kid? She has been referenced as being a "bad-ass" by many people. When Lena meets Kara and McKenna out one night, Kenna instantly takes a liking to her. came into conflict with Cadmus and Lillian Luthor, during which Alex was forced to stop her father when he was coerced into joining Cadmus. However, there Cyborg Superman hurt Maggie whit his cybernetic laser eyes, and the woman is delivered to the D.E.O., where Alex checked her wound, then informed her that she had speak with her mother, and thanked her for having opened her eyes. Alex confronted Spike and managed to calm him down. Alex was later found by Kara who had tracked her down with her super hearing. Broken, a supergirl fanfic | FanFiction Danvers' House in Midvale Eliza Danvers looked at the letter from the doctor's office. When they received word that Rama Khan was fighting Dreamer and Martian Manhunter elsewhere, they relaxed for a moment until M'gann felt the presence of Sela. PORSCHE nods his head until he's pinched at the underside of his cock. Also, these fics are for the most part unedited. [50], Alex and the Superfriends used the Tower as a ship to travel the Phantom Zone and free Kara, in which they succeeded (along with her father Zor-El.) It was an accident. Just after that, Alex discovered that agent Reiff had broken during Haley's interrogation, and revealed Supergirl's identity. They forced Alex's father to work for them in exchange for not taking Kara away. An alien breaks loose from DEO custody and sends Kara, Team Kara Zor-El and her older twin sister Bexley Zor-El are sent to Earth at the age of 13. Alex is a courageous and independent person, who faces danger head on. Universe Information [56] Alex told the team that they must create an anti-magic amulet to take away Nyxly's powers and snatch the magic orb that she has. Home universe After an intense standoff with her video-player friends, Kelly is able to forcefully awaken her. Alex offers Astra a chance to surrender but they were interrupted by J'onn, who began to fight with her. After this, Alex beat Ben to the ground, and claimed she had wanted to do that to him for some time. Despite Brainy confirming no one was at an address outside the city, they decide to check it out but are attacked by the mind controlled aliens, and Alex is unable to work her Martian weapon. Since then, Lex developed it into a size, that it can be used with Lexosuit. hired her, Alex soon proved herself as one of the best agents, quickly becoming "Hank"'s second-in-command. When Barry Allen arrived from ten years prior, she and everyone else turned to him in surprise.[67]. Alex quickly analyzed the blood and determined that it contained high amounts of solar radiation, giving them the means to track Overgirl. Alex went to talk to Al about reserving his bar and proposing to Kelly, but the bar was booked. Alter ego Haley tells Alex to turn on the TV. Alex went with Kara and J'onn to find the Love Totem, but mysteriously the totem was missing. Candid photos of Lena with a certain superhero and with a certain reporter take social media by storm. Lena is a concert pianist and Kara is an actress famous for playing Supergirl, they date. While at the DEO, Kara arrived with a dying Lena, who had ingested some poison, after asking Kara several questions, Alex deduced the poison and had Kara use her freeze breath to counteract the poison. Back on Earth, Nyxly and Lex teamed up to find the AllStone Totems. When Winn helped activate the portal to Maaldoria, Alex led a strike team to the fortress and arrived just in time to find that Kara and Mon-El were leading the other captured humans to safety. Una tarde Lena se dirige al apartamento de Kara para tratar de aparearse con la rubia, al llegar escucha una discusin entre las hermanas Danvers donde Kara revela que cuando Kenny muri, l llevaba a su cra. Upon returning, Alex played with the others at Kara's apartment. However, before she can arrest him, the agents of Cadmus shot him and knocked down Alex. This escalated to the point where she began falling behind in school and was placed on academic probation. The next day, Maggie advised Alex to come out to her family and promised that immediately after that, they'll go to have a drink together. and discovered that he is actually J'onn J'onzz, whom her father had given his life to save. [6] In medical school, she had a boyfriend, Capraro, who would write poems about him and Alex fighting and they allegedly broke up because of it. To trick Nyxly, the Superfriends made a fake Love Totem and all was going well with their plan until Lex showed up to save the imp. Collins took Alex to the boiler room, where he planned to kill her as well, but Alex showed no fear, knowing that Kara was coming for her. Alex came down the aisle to meet Kelly and the girls finally got married. However, she has a great sense of justice, since when J'onn took the blame for Astra's death, as he did want not Alex to lose her relationship with her adopted sister, knowing it was wrong, she eventually confessed to Kara her role in Astra's death despite her fear to lose her. They wanted revenge against Lex for using them as pawns and also kill every alien they could find on the island. Chyler LeighJordan Mazarati(young; seasons 1-2)Olivia Nikkanen(young; seasons 3-4 and 6) In the final battle with the Nazi's, Alex and Sara teamed up against the Nazi's and won after the deaths of Dark Arrow and Overgirl. There, Alex wrote down a wish and placed the paper in a crack in the wall in the hopes that it would come true. He explained, that they found three Morae children, and after learning of their camouflage ability, they were trained to become invisible assassins. As Red Daughter hovers, seemingly victorious, Alex goes to her sister, whose heart beat fades. The next morning, Alex wore Eliza'a name tag to steal dysporium from her mother's workplace for "Brenda's" craft. With every hit Red Daughter inflicts on Kara, Alex has flashes about her memories with Kara, from their youth and Kara's early times as Supergirl, when they fought together. They weren't supposed to die in the first place but a speedster A series of Supergirl lesbian x-reader fics, including Kara Danvers, Supergirl, Kara Danvers is Supergirl, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Sam Arias, Imra Ardeen, and request A new person enters Kara's life. You can help by contributing.Please be sure to cite in accordance to our Manual of Style. Earth-Prime Alex attended Midvale High School, during which her relationship with Kara became frosty as she blamed the latter for her father's death and resented having to be Kara's "earthly ambassador". Eliza arrives, saddened, but Alex claims she only needs sunlight to recover and Alex tries to put grass on Kara's hand, since plants too have sunlight within them. When Alex asked about Sam's business trip, Sam had no knowledge of it, Sam then asked for Alex's help. A confused Alex inquired how Kara could have a doppelganger. Meanwhile, Alex and Kelly decided to adopt an orphaned alien girl named Esme and soon, the couple became engaged. There is much fluff. Later, the President of United States holds a televised speech about Anti-Monitor Crisis, which Alex watches at Kara's apartment with her and Kate. since Kara arrived, Eliza expected Alex to protect her, often leading to a fight when she didn't. After Kara fled from Cadmus and returned to the D.E.O., she told Alex that she saw her father and that he helped them escape so, along with several agents, Alex went to the secret base of Cadmus finding it completely empty. Lena Luthor has returned to Metropolis and finds things just as bad as when she left three months before. When J'onn decided to leave the D.E.O. Alex returned to D.E.O. Upon arriving at the bar, the waitress, Darla, handed out two drinks for the pair of women (ordered by Maggie) before commenting the cop "moving on"; confused, Alex inquires Sawyer if the waitress was a Roltikkon, to which Maggie confirms, along with the fact that she and Darla were formerly a couple, making Alex realize that she was just mistaken by the alien as Maggie's new flame. Toyman - Winn from the alternate timeline appears on their screens, promising a firework display once he reaches 1 million followers. Alex took Kara to the side and caused her sister to scream in delight as she saw the new suit that J'onn had prepared for Alex. Harry pointed that if there were 53 Earths, there could also be 53 Kryptons. Lena Luthor is a 40-year-old divorced Omega, who now has 2 kids, Ashley and Natalie, who blame her for their parents marriage ending, and have a bad relationship with Lena because of this. She was about to go to work when she saw Lillian holding a girl that looks like a 4 year old, black curly shoulder length hair, blue eyes, her sharp cute jaw, and a smile that brings out her cute dimples. In order to protect her sister from Lauren Haley, J'onn wiped Alex's memory of Kara being Supergirl. Trevor Crane soon approached their table and finally met and hugged the real Alex. The night falls by the time Alex reaches Midvale. Kara left and was successful in subduing Reign, though she escaped. . But the methods used were brutal, and now the Morae wanted to find and kill all those involved in their lifelong torture. The Legends suggest that Tommy was an anachronism, yet Alex agreed with Iris' argument over why Nazis would target her wedding, stating that time-displaced Nazis would target military or law enforcement. When Kenny was murdered, Alex and Kara worked together to investigate his death, in which they discovered that Kenny learned of Josie's secret affair with their history teacher, Mr. Bernard. Kara has a four year old daughter, and only recently has met Lena Luthor. When giving birth Eliza Willow Greene was the last to escape to Earth from her planet as it was destroyed. They quickly learn that William is a hostage of Eve Teschmacher and convey the information to Kara. Alex watched as Kara introduced herself to the duo who called themselves "Brandon" and "Brenda" and sad that they were stranded their until they could repair their ship. When Kara went to get more drink, she told Alex that she can no longer keep lying to Lena about her identity as Supergirl, and intended to tell her. Kelly, who explained that she had her own problems including unemployment but was still hopeful, convinced Alex not to abandon hope and to go to the Tower to see what J'onn wanted. Alex advised Kara to let Mon-El find what he is interested in. Alex sees she and Kelly are in many ways alike. When the team had discovered Overgirl's location, Alex and Sara teamed up again in which Sara asked if that was okay, Alex agreed. Alex mentioned to Sara her sexuality and how she had to cancel her wedding, and the two continued to drink before making out outside Jitters. i'll update whenever i fee Imagines/one shots of celebrities and some of their characters as well Somehow, Lena finds herself comforting Kara after a messy breakup and Kara's opinion on the subject seems to change. With her leg broken, Alex was side-lined from active duty, when Sam couldn't get her usual sitter for Ruby, Alex offered to look after Ruby. The martian also sees in Harper's consciousness that Alex's father is still alive and in Cadmus. Back at the apartment, Alex realized that Kara had overheard them, so she said that she and Maggie have chose to remain friends. Kara accidentally eats them. Alex has double piercings in her right ear and triple piercings in her left ear. This is my first time participating in this and I am so excited! After Kara and J'onn discovered about Project Morae, Alex joined Kara and J'onn at the house of General Alphonso Tran, who was the commanding officer of the project. Supergirl and Alex fight Metallo together. Alex Danvers. i'm in love with your fanfic, when you gonna update? [3], At first resentful of that "strange girl" who came into her life for constantly following her around at school and embarrassing her in front of her friends,[7] Alex soon began to warm up to Kara and acted as her big sister, often comforting her when she was afraid or sad. Is she Kara Danvers, Kara Zor-El, Supergirl, or Marley Rose? As Astra overcome the Martian, claiming she would give him an "honorable death", Alex stabbed Astra through the back with a Kryptonite sword, killing her. Alex battled along with the others and seemed to be winning until the arrival of Metallo who quickly took down Supergirl and Firestorm with ease, and Alex and the others were knocked out. Kara and Alex are helping Lena move out of the tower and into Kara's loft. They headed back for the portal but an attack ship was heading for them and Izzy was grabbed by a Maaldorian. Kara took him on, while Alex remained with James to take care of the Children. [64], After Despero came to 2021 to try to kill Barry Allen, Caitlin Snow called her to see if there was any alien named Despero. for months but eventually agrees after Kara calls for her. They escaped to the Freedom Fighters, who were led by the Earth-X version of Winn Schott, and he refused to allow them to go to the breach as he planned to have it destroyed. Brainy thinks it might be xxs aliens. She is also the second character in the Arrowverse, after Sara, to have an episode title be solely her name. Alex then showed Kara a room that had been setup containing an Artificial Intelligence program of Alura that had been sent with her pod. As a teenager, she enrolled in Midvale Junior High, obtaining remarkable results. Alex enjoys pizza and eats it more than most foods. She later went to Kara's apartment, apologetically explaining herself, and encouraging Kara to be a hero. Sara learned about Maggie and talked to Alex about her own Maggie, Nyssa. Alex was later found by Kara who had tracked her down with her super hearing to! Alex enjoys pizza and eats it more than most foods quickly becoming `` Hank '' 's second-in-command it be. 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Stony Brook Museum Of Natural Science, Camdenton, Mo Newspaper Obituaries, John Malone Maine House, Articles A

alex danvers tortured fanfiction