astral connection with divine partner

They feel unconditional love for one another (Twin Rays too). Not from Gods shadow, which is only cast by the Tree (the physical body). The feelings of love and sharing are often enough to build a cord. 1. Although it may be negative or positive, its best to be aware that with the retrograde, emotional things need to be resolved and repaired energetically. As you engage this prayers, any demonic veil shielding you from your destiny helpers will be erased and removed forever in Jesus name. Even when we are looking for a romantic partner, or just friendship, family, any sort of companionship, connectedness or unity, this is exactly what we wish to recreate. You simply know it and there's no room for any doubt. And when you make contact, even if not yet in the 3D, its going to trigger a massive exchange of sexual energy and awakening, if you havent experienced it yet at that point. Since it originates from the Divine Source, it leads into an expanded state of consciousness and interconnects us with all living beings - and ultimately God. Well talk more about that later on. Truth Social The world must always feel curious to know the exact moment when its great men first drew the breath of life; and it is satisfactory, therefore, to be able to state, on the weighty authority of Dr. Thomas Smith, that Dr. John Dee, the famous magician and 'philosopher,' was born at forty minutes past four o'clock on the morning of July 13, 1527. This opposing force can not create, only simultaneously take what has been created and twist it around into a dark version. Cords are made of astral and etheric energy and connect two peoples subtle bodies. But not as happy and positive like most people describe. Its only a matter of time, dear heart. , Mercury Retrograde: Amplifies Union for Soulmates & Twin Flames, Twin Flame Signs - Coming to a Divine Union, Understand the Separation from your Twin flame. We will always treat your personal information/reading completely confidential & private and never sell them to any other company. Twitter. Well ideally this would be the case but here on earth so many people have emotional issues that very often the cords can last well into adulthood. This will merge your personality with the Holy Spirit of God which includes the Spirit of Unconditional Love within it, and encompasses all that Is. The truth is that this type of sexual energy is part of the constant exchange of energy between twin flames, and it happens way before the twin flames make physical contact and experience physical intimacy. In such a scenario, the sexy energetic bond acts as yet another powerful force working to bring you two together. But these connections are going to be a healing connection for the collective and Gaia, by and large, since the nature of your relationship is ultimately divine. But then finding themselves back together, and many times breaking apart again. Within and without our beings operate like telephone circuits sending impulses through the nerves to connect with and communicate to other energy impulses. This is a good time to do shadow work on yourself. Unfortunately as the baby grows up it gradually loses its perception of such metaphysical things and so forgets about the cord. You're very comfortable around one another - but not in the lazy, dull way. The Bible is a very good source of Gods Divine Light, although its words can be twisted. Do you have a question? By using this website and by clicking submit you consent to having this website store the submitted information to respond to your inquiry. This happens so you can have enough a release or darkness that you wake up to Spirit again, by being in the spirit world again. Death Of Fear Of Death part 1 2. The intense attraction and constant sexy energy exchange is going to push each twin flame closer to their counterpart, thereby accelerating the 3D closeness. Those things may appear to make things more bright temporarily, but once the Light dies out (and it will), Darkness will come more than if you wouldnt have had that Light before. This is the time they both become stayers. How Divine Intervention Saved My Life. The separation will cause you to go through Dark Night of the Soul, which is like depression ten fold. The magnetism that twin flames feel around each other and the never-ending urge to be closer and closer to one another are also based on this twin flame energy cord. Astral travel is an exciting endeavor and can enrich your life however it is important to stay protected and grounded. This is why it is never a good idea to search and seek for your Twin flame or any ideal divine counterpart that suits you. These can be excellent lessons in self exploration. During Mercury retrograde, its a time for completion and rebirth. After extremely brutal attacks on the key Lightworkers and Lightwarriors in the last few weeks they have overexposed themselves, and the Light forces have initialized operations for their . Your twin flame sexuality has a component of healing for you, your twin flame, and the collective and the frequencies of the world. The energies exchanged during this type of interaction transcend a twin flames desire to express such behavior or energies and is an instinctive and almost automated part of your interaction with your twin flame. Your email address will not be published. There are various manifestations of this energy exchange between twin flames, like telepathy, astral traveling, spiritual sexuality, and even higher dimensional twin flame sex. The more we send our energy there, the more we think of that object the thicker and bigger the cord becomes. As he sat by her, he helped her to cut the cords from all the prayers people had sent her way, people who had meant well, but had not understood the impact or consequences of what they were doing. Interestingly while exploring a cord you can remember when and how it was created, how you felt about it and how it has been operating while it was there. And this can go on for years. Hello all, My husband astral projected for the first time and found himself on a red rugged rocklike scene with a yellow dome to the one side. The runner feels just as much pain as the chaser but tries to ignore it.They dont know how to express what they feel so they just run from it but its never permanent. Absolutely not. amzn_assoc_linkid = "93a882adc5204d1e44bd0a449d13e2a4"; We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program (and other potential affiliate networks), an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Track 5 recorded August 2012 and previously used only as a bonus item. Companion Soulmates are different from Twin flames, but they are still part of the Soulmates Collective. All information provided on this website are for entertainment purposes only. If those wanting or claiming to be in Twin Flame Union wouldnt be in fear of saying God or Jesus Christ, or of even praying to God in a way that does not exalt their own Selves as the Supreme Being, then Twin Flame Union would be a lot more simple; for them, and everyone who they are leading into the darkness, Ask yourself: why is it such a big offense to say God or Jesus Christ but its almost necessary to worship Buddha, who is a symbol of atheism, a religion about Unconsciousness being All that Exists?. The Collective Unconsciousness is all the Unconscious forces and things in this world, which creates All in opposition to Gods consciousness, based off of Gods creations. Divine Light is Divine, Divinity only comes from God. During out-of-the-body experiences, this silver cord is often seen as a cord of light connecting the physical, astral and spiritual bodies. That can be mental, emotional, and sexual energy. If you see or sense a cord attached to you from another, or a cord going out from you to something or someone else, you can imagine yourself cutting the cords and allowing the energy to return where it belongs. This experience, after much practice, is manageable, and the individual is taken to the spiritual plane as soon as he or she is relaxed to the point of falling asleep. There are beings that appear as People that embody and use this force solely, who represent the Collective Unconsciousness, whose job is to oppose the Light, in order to create Time. Everyones situation is unique and not everybodys going to be going to the same type of challenge. Instagram It is that magnetic surge of energy that is pulling you both together. Sure, you can find a kind of peace in the void of nothingness that comes from detaching from everything, submerging yourself in the pure, absolute state of Darkness that is in a state of rest, even unattached to Darknesss quality of Evil but can you reunite with your Twin Flame in the Void? ASTRAL DIVINITY! In the same way, you may also actually manifest being shot physically in the area of your Heart Chakra, even your physical heart (affirm that it will never happen! All information provided on this website are for entertainment purposes only. Meeting your twin certainly feels explosive, in more ways than one. My husband got such a fright that he woke up . We do not try to direct or influence the lives of others or put out cords toward them. They are not to be mistaken as their Alter-Ego, their state that is Unconscious; their Opposition made manifest. It's their sacred mission to unify their divine masculine and divine feminine energies within themselves and within the dynamic, and therefore within the world. You meet your twin flame and everything seems perfect. Its your personal experience with love and romance. You must first be ready prior to divine union.How long does it take? It may bring up lower frequency feelings towards your twin flame too since you might regard them as the main reason why youre having to go through this. If youre feeling anxiety about the situation wondering what you did wrong or why they are so distant. That is the merging process the process of you and your Twin Flame finding God together, navigating the darkness and the trials until you reach the Heavenly Light at the top of the tunnels Ladder. But that doesnt mean that there wont be sexual energy exchange going on between your base chakras in the form of harmonizing frequencies. It is a little like an umbilical cord. It only takes one of the people to clear the cord and it will be cleared from the other. When they do, itcreates pain and heartache to the chaser,But knowing in theirheart that they must convince and let the runner know that they truly love them. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. You move beyond the ego and need for attachment with a divine counterpart. Physical death does not need to be any more painful than spiritual death they are the exact same thing and the pain is equivalent.

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astral connection with divine partner