darlie routier dna results 2021

Many Darlie supporters feel that the transcript errors alone warrant a retrial. You also wrote that this evidence was presented to the juror and that he finally changed his mind about Darlie's innocence. We all read and study transcripts, read newspaper articles and TV news footage too. Now, you never saw any evidence of this injury to the right arm on her stay [in the hospital] on the 6th, 7th or 8th of June; is that right? How did you find this article? She always says "All I want are people to see I'm innocent." Fortunately few in numbers, people in this group display a total lack of self-control, get extremely angry when not agreed with, and most likely possess the potential for violence. He stated in his testimony that both his training and his instinct told him it was best to wait for backup before actually entering the dark garage alone. Why she would do such a thing, I don't know, I would have let him fry. Mize didn't at all fit the physical description Darlie had given police of the intruder and when he was presented to her, she denied that he was man that attacked her. well you did and then some more. Pardo had done this before with 38 year old death row inmate David Wayne Spence, found guilty of murdering 3 teenagers in a park. Darlie supporters are quick to say this is how Damon and Devon's blood got on her nightshirt. The following article falls under the Copyright Disclaimer, Section 107 of The Copyright Act of 1976. If she were striking out or defending herself with her arms how did she not get cut by the knife? Und die Socke die gefunden wurde knnte theoretisch dort platziert worden sein. One investigator later commented "Strange.maximum human devastation with minimal property damage.". This was confirmed by Darlie's attorney, Stephan Cooper. Please don't think I'm doing this with bad intentions. She was ordered held on a 1 million dollar bail. Of course not, no trial is or ever will be. The only footprints found were Darlie's bare footprints and a partial boot-print found to be consistent with Sergeant Walling's boots from where he first checked the garage. Allison had become friends with Darlie when she was 16. This appears to be more of a sudden anger-induced sporadic reaction more than anything else; a crime of opportunity. Your blog has given me that, and now I feel like I can definitively say Darlie Routier is guilty. Nothing. According to Barbara Davis' book, Precious Angels, family member Jackie Rogers stated that the way Darlie ordered Devon around and "beat him down" she considered it emotional abuse. She was immediately placed in custody at the Lew Starrett Justice Center to await indictment. I don't get on those Facebook groups much. Hardly, the 3 and a half inch laceration (9 cm) on her neck was defined by two physician's (one a surgeon) as superficial. Darlie bought that necklace at a pawn shop; it was used jewelry. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on October 12, 2018: Thank you Paula for your comments and your gracious insight. What the hell the utility room floor had lots of blood drops on it, Yep Exhibit 38 b is a picture of the utility room floor and bottom of the door. Her net worth is calculated to be approximately $1.5 Million. Bevel and Linch are two con artists, just read the transcripts (I doubt you actually did). However, in this case, Darlie was found not to have any antidepressants in her system when the pre-toxicology screen was conducted prior to cleaning and closing her neck wound. Damon and moved some distance from where he was initially stabbed. The supposed defensive bruise under Darlie's right arm that was not seen by one doctor or nurse in the hospital. Evidence which the police and the prosecution found to be non-existent. Enough with the Silicone-Shaming ("Invisible Intruder," Forensic Files, and "Darlie Routier," The Last Defense) An ABC series called The Last Defense is reviving interest in the 1996 murders of Devon and Damon Routier and the character assassination prosecutors used to put their mother on death row.. Darlie Lynn Peck Routier. this blog put me ahead of the show with the details. When you have nothing else, you go to character assassination. Those that believe Darlie to be innocent as well as those that steadfastly believe in her guilt do seem to agree on at least one aspect of the case; that Darin Routier was somehow involved. At that time, Darlie told me that she didnt see the knife on the utility room floor until she went back to the kitchen doorway near the family room to turn on the light, and that she then saw the knife by looking over the kitchen island toward the utility room floor. About 3 weeks later after forensic test results on the evidence came back, the District Attorney's Office announced they would be seeking the death penalty and Judge Tolle rescinded Darlie's bail considering her a flight risk. While discussing the case on Quora with a seemingly intelligent fellow (good spelling, grammar, superficially adequate knowledge of the case), I brought up the bread knife with the microscopic fibers that match the garage window screen. I have no doubts that he was accusing her in the 911 call based on what Darlie is saying to him, and I think that suggests a feeling of disgust and betrayal from his end. My sister obviously intrigued by the current ABC series, will get so caught up in the thrill of it as we all do. She claims an intruder entered her Dallas area home in June of 1996, stabbed two of her children, and attacked her. Almost nobody believes the "Intruder" theory for many of the reasons discussed, and ALL (not much, not some, not most) of the evidence inside the house points to Darlie. November 2017 Routiers lawyer filed for and was granted moreMORE DNA testing. Most if not all of the Darlie support sites are good at using the cherry picking tactic when extracting testimonial quotes from the Darlie Routier case court transcripts. The website says "doctors" as if a whole team of surgeons were meticulously working on her in a race against the clock to save her life. Let me know your thoughts. And I love when she says "I've proven it" Proved it to who? He tried to kill me. They point out that he lied in his written statements and that he lied in his court testimony; which in several instances it appears that he did. Her original claim regarding her discovery of the murder weapon (the knife) occurred during the 911 call. What I appreciate most is that you have reported in a fair & factual manner, pretty much avoiding too much personal "opinion." I'm a little bit disappointed that they didn't deal with the evidence, and focused mainly on the silly string video, and on saying that the video was what convicted her (which isn't true). She was wearing shorts. Making the call is Darlie Routier, the mother of three boys, Devon, Damon, and Drake, and the wife of Darin. Thirdly, no intruder/burgler I have ever met, and I have met plenty, would stop and take the time to locate a knife and slit a window screen hoping to make it look like the entry/exit point? Darlie had a laceration on the top of her right arm and she is right handed. On the night of June 6th, 1996, Darlie Lynn Routier made a frantic call to 911. I cannot comment on the details of this investigation other than to say we believe that the white male suspect described by Darlie Routier as the man that attacked her and murdered her children never existed. Bathrooms: 2. Darlie Kee, Darlie's mother has stated in later years that the serrated knife couldn't have possibly cut the screen due to its rounded tip. Darlie later added, Im at peace with myself I did not murder my children, I did not attack myself. The prosecution even commented later that Darlie was their best witness. Did you hear him bark the night of the attack? Darlie paused, then calmly replied, Come to think of it, no, he didnt. (p.121). Darin eventually goes upstairs to go to bed and Darlie stayed downstairs in the family room with the boys. I've been looking at her other Hubs, that is the most ridiculous bunch of made up BS I've ever read, I mean she's really outdone herself and she's getting worse. He fled as soon as she tried to approach him and dropped the knife in the process. Just curious. Some say Darlie was known to have a short fuse with her children. Devon's covered up body with what appears to be a towel next to it. Were they coerced and threatened to lie in court? This photo WAS SHOWN TO THE ENTIRE JURY, except to Charlie Samford. https://www.websleuths.com/forums/threads/vanessa- SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on May 12, 2019: Thank you and good question you asked. Many people believe that an intruder broke into 26 year old Darlie's Rowlett, Texas home and murdered her young boys 5 year old Damon and 6 year old Devon in 1996, while gravely injuring Darlie. All of this can be found on fordarlieroutier.org and darliefacts.com. ", Mercedes commented; "Right there where her boys were killed, and that's the first thing she said to me. It was there that Darlie announced to everyone that she and Darin already had plans in place to take a trip to Europe together, get some plastic surgery done to remove the scar from her neck, and hopefully conceive another child while on the trip, preferably a daughter. Koschak testified that after assessing Devon and noticing that he was obviously dead, he went over to Darlie in the kitchen to look at her neck. The gate in the back yard had hinge problems. After a decade many of the DNA has never been tested. My true, impartial understanding of all that is in this report you have presented, tells me that there simply can be no reasonable doubt Darlie was justly & fairly convicted of the heinous murder of her precious babies. Utter and complete NONSENSE!!!. Darin reapplied two days later, added some collateral to try to help push the loan through, but he was turned down again. People ALWAYS say the system failed when a trial verdict doesn't go the way they wanted it to. The evidence all points to her, and nothing shows there's an intruder. Judge Lokken ordered Mrs. Routier held without bond. I am not a psychologist, but I have heard about a condition called "Malignant Narcissism." Can you give us a ballpark figure of an outside time period there? this evening, investigators from the Rowlett Police Department arrested Darlie Routier (white female, age 26). The house today. Curious neighbors from Eagle Drive gather in front of the Routier home the night of the murders. Why were there no slashes or stabs underneath her right arm where she was using it for defense? Like the case of David Camm who was finally exonerated after serving 13 years in prison, Darlie Routier was accused and convicted of the brutal murders of her two precious children--based solely on controversial forensic evidence known as bloodstain pattern analysis. And, how many minutes did you say that this child could have lived if all four of them had been produced at the same time? So now, lets find out all that there is to know about her, shall we? Officer Waddell: No. Greg Davis: Where is the defendant when you come back to the kitchen area? As previously mentioned, most people who think Darlie is innocent claim the errors in the transcripts give her the right to a retrial.The errors were corrected by another official court reporter using audio tapes of the trial, the trial court approved the accuracy of the corrections, and the appellate court denied her motion for retrial and/or acquittal based on transcript errors. Then with the element of surprise on his side, the intruder attacks her but for some unknown reason he completely changes his attack style by performing slashes, not high force stabs as he did on the children. Post author: Post published: February 26, 2023; Post category: . Who's to say that nick wasn't in the chain when she purchased it? SClemmons- "It is all in how you tell your story.just tell the story right". The defense attorney's / Innocence groups always seem to boil their hopes on the same two issues, the "mysterious" unidentified fingerprint known as "85-J." Thanks for the information, I was unaware of it. Both of these knives belonged to the Routier's and were kept in a knife block located in the kitchen on a counter top. In Texas alone in the past 25 years, a total of 64 children have been murdered by their mothers. The bruise photos were taken on June 10, - 48 hours after Darlie's discharge from the hospital. When considering the ludicrous absurdity of such a plot having taken place, it comes back around full circle to the basic facts of the case that convicted Darlie Routier; her account of what occurred the night of the murders did not match what was found at the crime scene, and the evidence that was found at the crime scene put the murder weapon in her hands. And she told me she thought shed messed up the fingerprints. Real Name: Darlie Lynn Routier Case: Appeal Location: Rowlett, Texas Date: June 6, 1996 Case Details: Darlie and Darin Routier were married with three sons. Some people have suggested that she may have originally decided to kill her children and herself but "chickened out" at the last minute from killing herself, or Darin woke up from the noise of her killing the boys and stopped her before she was able to kill herself. Just a wild guess might be because Darlie failed it. Fair use is permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. It also was reported that two dozen boxes of the prosecution files on the case have been reviewed by the defense team, which includes representatives of the Innocence Project of New York. The Darlie Routier defense team and Kathy Cruz, author of Dateline Purgatory: Examining the Case that Sentenced Darlie Routier to Death, have stated that the fibers on the knife could have come from the evidence technician's fingerprint brush.This was proven not be true though microscopic and chemical analysis. Back in 1998, The Center for Wrongfully Convicted at Blhum Legal Clinic, part of Northwestern University's School of Law looked into the Routier case. Moments before the funeral service for the boys began, Darlie approached her two sons in their caskets. Forensic testing was conducted on this knife to replicate what Darlie had claimed. According to one version of Darlie's 5 different intruder stories, he supposedly had a knife, not a baseball bat. Darlie has always maintained her innocence. Darin did NOT DRUG HIS WIFE. Which Darlie, Darin, and her mother Darlie Kee, all violated. Darlie's friend Basia (Barbara Jovel) stated in a 2016 YouTube interview that Darlie and Darin had been fighting every day for weeks over the money situation before the murders. Then, when police investigators physically removed the sink from the house to take it to the lab for testing, Darlie suddenly remembers (the same day they removed it) and most likely from the advice of counsel, that she was in front of the sink supposedly wetting towels to place on the boys; which there's no evidence of ever having occurred. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on March 21, 2018: It's interesting how Pollyannalana on her Hub keeps saying that the late NBC Night Nightly News corespondent Jessica Savitch (She spells as Jessica Savage) felt that Darlie Routier was innocent. And, the problem with this fitting the Darlie supporter's black car theory is that the car Sally reported was white. I ran back through the kitchen, and realized that the entire living room area had blood all over everything. I hope whoever twists the toe tag puts a smiley face on it! After all, not only was it discovered that the Routier family had severe financial troubles, but it also came to light that Darlies wounds were superficial, as if self-inflicted. In other words, what the Darlie supporters are suggesting is that this was a well-orchestrated, well-coordinated conspiracy that included local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies, hospital employees, attorneys, paramedics, neighbors and co-workers all working together hand in hand to set up Darlie Routier. As already established, those photos were in fact shown in court and to the jury, and discussed in detail with Dr. Santos for about 45 minutes on the witness stand. I think I screamed twice, and he ran out of the bedroom with his jeans on, and no glasses and was yelling, 'What is it? Darlie even admitted to taking this polygraph later in a 2001 prison interview. The Darlie supports say that if the entire "Silly String Tape" had been shown in court, including the private memorial service that took place prior to the celebration, it would have made a difference. This author has always found it interesting that now she's been convicted and placed on death row, her interviews always consist of how she didn't kill her kids and how much she misses them. If they choose to kill me, thats my innocent blood that will be on their hands.. However, that knife successfully cutting a screen was replicated in the crime lab. Even then, it was quite difficult & broke my heart. Two separate stains, labeled by forensics examiners as TB2 and TB3 were found on the upper right front shoulder of the nightshirt and suggestive of cast off. No blood found on the floor, only the outside of the door facing the kitchen and the washing machine on it's left side as you face it. Of course she does, she has to. *The most commonly abused date rape drugs, or "club drugs," are Rohypnol, also called "roofies"; gamma hydroxybutyric acid, also called "liquid ecstasy"; ketamine, also called "Special K," and tablet form ecstasy, also called "Molly," which is often crushed and mixed into a drink. Darlie Lynn Routier is an American woman from Rowlett, Texas, who was convicted of murdering her five-year-old son, Damon. People that believe in Darlie Routier's innocence provide all kinds of reasons and theories that they often try to pass as fact as to how she couldn't have been the killer and/or how she deserves a retrial. I mean no disrespect, but are you really more persuaded by the idea of a satanic cult being reponsible for these murders than all of the evidence IN THIS ARTICLE? She told a close friend about it who testified to this in court. I can only say that i am just so grateful to Got, down on my knees to thank God that none of these fuking braindead imbeciles served the Routier jury. Paramedic Kolbye stated that when they loaded Damon in the ambulance he was just barely hanging on and gasping for air in his blood filled lungs. Especially a pretty young mother who on the outside gave the appearance of being an attentive mom who wanted nothing but the best for her children. The family room was the scene of the crime. If I'm not mistaken, the episode was released in 2015, and the evidence reviewed by the experts in 2014. They are liars and con artists. Samford made clear that he had not changed his mind, and that he still believes Darlie is innocent. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. These stains too were suggestive of cast-off. It would seem that something reached the boiling point that got her to tell Darin that she wanted a divorce that night. Here's the link to the phone conversation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPlNmdJaq5s. The press in-turn, (at the family's approval and invitation) jumped at the opportunity of getting photos of Darlie in bed in the ICU. He too was asked about these towels. There is no random stranger. The blood here was identified as hers. PARCHMAN: What we're talking about, a few to several more minutes. There was a torn window screen in the garage, and the weapon, a sharp knife, was found on the kitchen counter. Worden sein character assassination the 911 call difficult & broke my heart night of the show with the details of! To think of it, no trial is or ever will be had become friends with Darlie when she ``... Hope whoever twists the toe tag puts a smiley face on it the gate in the on. Held on a 1 million dollar bail to kill me, thats my blood! Darlie supporter 's black car theory is that the car Sally reported was white moved some distance where. 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darlie routier dna results 2021