delphi murders pictures

If LE suspects Mr. X of both crimes, this means that he was living in Delphi at the time of the Delphi murders, moving away only recently. The grandmother of Libby German said the man arrested and accused of killing her granddaughter also was the man who printed off pictures for Libbys funeral. If you use a windshield cover, you can at least forget about scrapping the ice off your windshield to save some time and hassle. It looks like a poor attempt to bring light to child abuse. Problem? Why does he show up at 6:30 PM, half an hour before the search is announced, to search for the girls, choosing Logans property where no one is looking, and parking his truck right by the kill zone? Says a man broke in, raped her, and took Gannon. She went out cold. Is the cemetery entrance just for some reason more accessible? If he was parked at the cemetery why did he walk back threw the trails with the chance of someone seeing him..doesnt make any sense to me. I dont know why everyone one says if he used a gun people would have heardya, and the area is also a prime deer hunting spot, so I imagine gunshots are nothing unusual or anything that draws attention of the locals around. On the other hand, strong pedophilic attraction is quite normal in men. Furthermore, why on Earth did he specifically ask to search Ron Logans property, which is exactly where the girls were killed? reporters on a platform technologically tailored to meet the needs of the modern reader. Hes gone completely overboard defending Mr. X and saying he could not possibly have done it. So he took a knife and stabbed her in the artery in her neck, killing her. I realize this is not a good source, but I do trust and believe her. Thanks for the comment, Miss! There is another very odd character named Caleb Bowlin, a Delphi resident. Many, many pistols are chambered in that caliber, both expensive, and cheap ones. He may have stuck around because he was busy shuttling the girls to wherever they hid them and then bringing them back to kill them. A man named Eric Alter claimed to have gotten an injunction against my blog with WordPress. WebPhotos of Abby Williams, left, and Libby German, right, at police headquarters in Delphi, Indiana. OP is an absolute time-wasting clown. The grabs below are from a Youtuber who is actually a theoretical physicist. Am I remembering that correctly? Before that, nobody much even knew the girls were missing, although LE had been notified at 5:30 PM. What are your thoughts? About 0%. Which begs the question, How did Mr. X know that the girls were missing in the first place before anyone else did? No one knows who it might be from. As absurd as it is women do allow this to happen. And these sleuthing detective stuff is an incredibly intuitive task. Photos are morbid especially the one with the cigarette butts. Possibly he is mixing up signatures of different killers in order to throw people off. They ask him to move his car, he says he cant because he lost his keys. They see the forest not the trees. Should be turned into LE as I have heard rumored pall malls was found at CS. When she came backno Gannon. A YouTuber who wasn't positive they were real. I just spoke to a woman who knows this couple very well, and she insisted to me that this man is straight up man of God type. Mr. M has been investigated by the FBI six different times for the Evansdale Murders. Sorry to blow the comments section here up but I just wanted clarification on something. The information below comes from three sources. Mr. Xs orange truck was parked hidden in the cemetery directly above where the girls were found. The statement that they were looking for a young man aged 18-40 was also a lie, intended to make Mr. X think that they had lost his tail and were going off on a false tangent. God, Id love to know what Rons take is on all this, not that hes the most reliable guy either from what I understand. Wearing a mask outdoors, in the wilderness (& at this stage of the pandemic) could be said to be coming from a thoughtful, conscientious, health-focused person. Id like to know more about that. So its very common for non-hebephiles to be on these forums. I do think that he is a good POI. As you can see in the photo above, the object highlighted in green is obviously a knife. Im going on nothing here but the car towing thing happens twice in a short time span and a short distance within eachother. Any idea what the heck the basis of this story is? . Also one of the people who saw him walking away from the crime said his face was still obscured by the white scarf, so it looks like he wore the white scarf away from the scene. These were literally little girls. We cant go around killing people because someone thinks they might have maybe killed someone. Pedohebephiles combine both categories. LE was angry that BG was in the room. The forthcoming update comes after Indiana State Police trooperssearched the Wabash River in Peru, Indiana, last monthnear the home of a man who is believed to be tied to the investigation. Many start losing interest in girls as soon as they hit 13. Stat rape is psychologically normal behavior for adult men. If the sheet, bear, dolls, etc. Since the murders, he has gained ~50 pounds. We have a lot more on Mr. X in this previous update. Mr. X indeed never lost his keys. A family member confirmed there was an arrest but didn't give the person's name. The FBI for some odd reason felt that the girls had been left alive for a week after they were abducted. He placed a doll between poor Abbys legs to make it appear she was being penetrated by a doll. A gun was absolutely used though. The animal appears to be holding something in its hand. Sorry , but I morbidly want to see the pictures that you guys got to see. If Mr. X is BG, it makes perfect sense that he has a rap sheet for a sex crime. I thought it was KK? So it turns out that if Leaker is correct, and I regard him as credible, there was indeed a scream soon after the girls were abducted, probably at the crime scene. We played fast and loose with words and phrases like confirmed, true, solid proof, etc. gads_event = event; There is an old rumor that he threw bleach over the girls genital regions that fits in with the new info about a bleach bottle left at the scene. Motherswhosmokedduring pregnancy had nearly twice the risk of aninfant deathor low-weight birth asmotherswho did notsmoke, Let's just say that in this country an astounding amount of mothers allow their kids to be abused by turning a blind eye or participating with the abuser. He says he was sent 3 pictures. Its true that some of these men commit a crime like this as young adults and then go on to live normal lives and never commit another homicide. I thought I read something about two eyewitnesses who claimed to have seen BG on Feb 13th 2017. For some time after 6:30 PM, Mr. X was presumably searching Ron Logans land. Mr. and Mrs. X are close to the Pattys. Nichole maybe he lost his keys during the killing of the girls and had to go back asking RL if he could search for the missing girls really searching for his keys. They are both in the same direction. MEAWW is an initialism for Media Entertainment Arts WorldWide. I feel the abuse interpretation struck a nerve with you so I won't comment any further. Do you think its possible that he might have dropped his keys in the woods during the abduction or at some point during the murders, and thats why he was parked so far away from Logans property when he knocked on Robs door to ask to search for the girls? Now hes in even more trouble. "However small it may seem, it's extremely vital that we get every tip we can get. Thats probably not true, but if you read about how the killer staged the crime scene, you might think that was the case. The stuffed animal looks to be a Valentines stuffed animal. Does he still have them up on Youtube? We had 200 members for a few years. Theres no DNA under Libbys nails. Spreading their legs in that sexually receptive pose was bad enough, but BG did worse than that. The wife is a curious case. While investigating the murders, police released an audio recording of a male voice saying "down the hill," asking the public if they could help identify the man's voice. This image is very poor, but its a match for the images below from the theoretical physicist. For everyone saying Mr. X could not possibly have done it, the people who knew these men when they were arrested recently said the same thing. In other words, destruction of evidence. I have no idea what the cryptic references to The Shack movie were all about. if(document.querySelector("#adunit")){ His verbiage, spelling, and his attitude towards certain subjects is very childish, and without sounding abrasive; unintelligent. It is important to note that if BG also committed the Evansdale Murders, he is a serial killer. He throws up a smoke signal that says, This is it, right? The answer is Bingo. Perhaps they are doing this out of loyalty to their friend. Chilling photos of Richard Allen, 50, and his family have come to light, including a photo of his daughter posing in what appears to be the exact location where Abby and Liberty were last seen in 2017. The studies are clear on this. It's never been revealed how Libby and Abby were killed, though the two girls' bodies were reportedly "posed" and items of clothing had beentaken from them as trophies. The first source is from a female member of the search party who saw the crime scene and discussed it with me. . Leave this man alone if you know who he is. According to Matt Sullivan, people in his wanted to hang me on the spot for this comment. There is a report on Reddit that I reported a scream was heard in the night. None of this makes sense. As with sadistic rapists, 5% of all rapists, misophiles are quite dangerous. Mr. X is a big fan of Harley Davidson motorcycles and an extremely avid deer hunter. I have always had this creep at the top of my lists never knew he didnt lose his keys though I thought that was a ruse that he lost them in the struggle. Sraddle the line between quirky and annoying - lol, true. They cant use that in court, but these partial matches are useful to LE because they give LE additional confidence that they have the right suspect. Allen is being held without bond by the Indiana Department of Correction. We will refer to him from now on as Mr. X. I dont want to use his name or his initials. He strikes me as someone that would be considered by peers to to straddle the line between quirky and annoying. It also makes perfect sense that Delphi was not his first rodeo. It could be very interesting to hear from anyone who was familiar with Mr. X in his childhood; what was he like? I had previously thought that BG had a normal age orientation for the above reasons. The latest I have heard is that they moved back to Illinois, but that may just be a rumor. I know, with only a handful the chances, they hit the one closest to the murder site isnt too improbable (not letting Mr X. off the hook that easily though, especially at 6 pm before the search even started) but still youd think they would of started the first night at least canvasing the area the girls were last seen. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, This is a community where we can speak openly about the Murders of Libby and Abby in Delphi, IN, Press J to jump to the feed. There were crime scene photos taken by a journalist that he was told to remove at the beginning. From what it sounds like now, Xs truck was just a mere hop skip and a jump from the killzone. Its not far-fetched that he unloaded that stuff from the back of his truck at some point whether before or after he killed those girls. WebHe is the photographer who took the crime scene photos of the Delphi murders for the Pharos Tribune. This is what he described, among other things. The only way LE could know that BG videotaped his crime is if the rumor about BG sending video of the crime to Abbys phone after her death is true. No one knows that sheet is at the scene at all, much less hanging on a tree. I stopped at age 21 because I didnt want to go to jail. Let law enforcement run that information and make that determination," he said during a news conference. Interesting point. . It is also said that Libbys phone, previously dead, started pinging again right around this time. WebDelphi: Unseen photos of Libby German & Abby Williams. Here we go with another update. The thing is that new information I got says that they are all correct! My female sleuths just look at the pieces of the puzzle and put it together BAM. Just a guess. There is a man named Jordan McCoy on Facebook pretending to be Leigh Kerr. I have obtained a videotape of him playing with his granddaughters. Perhaps ~3% of men are primary hebephiles. My position is that in this environment, I advise all adult men of any age to not mess with girls under the AOC. I doubt if he did it, but maybe I will take those articles down if theyre making the FBI mad. Hebephile: Although age ranges vary, I prefer the age range of 12-15 for hebephiles. It is hard enough to lose a child let alone place blame on the mothers. However, it is quite odd that his truck stayed right above the kill zone for 18 hours straight. Its also quite violating considering the ages of these girls and what was done to them. The importance lies in the degree of the attractions relative to other ages. I've just seen a couple pics of a shoe and some clothing in/near a creek that is purported to be Deer Creek near the crime scene. Also note that the girls legs have been spread by the killer, same as they are in the photos below. This made me feel sick! Could there be indication he went out of his way to obscure bruising/cuts/scrapes he received from said struggle during the search? He had his car keys. In fact, McCoy doesnt even exist. Get over yourself it's obvious you and I don't see eye to eye on anything. Dirt under Libbys nails is consistent with her being on her back with her hands cuffed behind her back. Mr. Xs car got blocked in by police vehicles who arrived at the crime scene. If we can get somebody to come forward with more information if we can get a name or at least a location of this subject that would be great., Dances with Wolves actor pleads not guilty in 'sex cult' case, Star singer La Tigresa dies from a heart attack at 89 after storied career, TikTok star, 28, is charged with child abuse after 'attack on boyfriend', Rape survivor slams Gabby Petito Utah cop over handling of her case, 2020 THE SUN, US, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY | YOUR AD CHOICES | SITEMAP, New photos of Richard Allen, 50, have surfaced after he was reportedly taken into custody in connection to the Delphi murders, A photo of Allen's daughter appeared to be taken at the same location where Libby German and Abby Williams (pictured) were last seen alive, Allen was pictured in front of what appears to be a police sketch of the suspect, searched the Wabash River in Peru, Indiana, last month. document.querySelector("#google_image_div").addEventListener('click',function(){ So the girls may have been killed and the crime scene may have been staged later on. It stayed in this spot for at least the next 18 hours, from 6:30 PM until 12:30 PM the next day when the girls bodies were discovered. eventAction: 'render' So hes attempting to profit off of dead babies? The soldiers would abduct a virgin teenage girl from presumably a hostile village, rape her, and then murder her. We really are starting to think that maybe that truck didnt just magically show up at 6:30 PM on the day of the murders. Theyre scared so they keep quiet. That might put me off right there.As I get older, I appreciate the wonders of older women more and more. However, see below how I was able to validate that those are indeed crime scene photos above and that the girls legs were both spread and a knife was either plunged into poor Libbys shoulder or the log next to her. It looks like he tossed bleach all over everything the girls, the dolls, the plush object, the sheet, the crucifix, the log, you name it. This guy is absolutely brazen as all Hell, and Im giving him another year or two before his confidence is restored and he does it again. Hopefully, this man is ok. Wtf would images like this help rebuild his website? Ms. C told me that in these misophile networks, the ultimate high is considered to be to be get two little girls at once and rape, torture, and murder them. Mr. Xs daughter has made an appearance in Facebook groups, saying that hes the greatest guy in the world, and he couldnt possibly have done this. Theres no way to pretty this stuff up, and if I did, Id just be lying anyway. I in no way think their release does any harm to the case or disrespect to the girls. And then Gannon Staunch, who was most likely murdered by his stepmother, then buried here in Colorado Springs, and later dug up and dumped along a bridge construction site in Florida. Just when you thought things couldnt get any worse, they do just that. I dont care what anyone thinks about, but homicidal sexual sadism isnt my bag, sorry. Hes the last person to make up stupid lies. He was arrested and sent to jail after the girls were killed. Or shall I call you Filthy? The document(s) are from either LE or the judicial system or both at the same time. Anger rapists sometimes kill in a rage if the victim fights back, but generally they just threaten or possibly hurt the rape victim without killing her. Wait. Says she wants to represent herself in court. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online, Baby Mia Jade Riley: Parents Lani and Tom Riley speak out after dog attack killed their 5-week-old infant, Kyle Sambrook: Hiker falls 100ft to death while carrying his dog in one hand through 'appalling' weather, Bruce Willis's mom Marlene 'not sure if her son still recognizes her' as 'aggressiveness' creeps in, Killer mom Lindsay Clancy was suffering from drug withdrawal and had 'worst side effects,' says friend, 'End this crazy show': Julia Wandelt may seek court's help for DNA test to prove she is Madeleine McCann. Rebuild his website to search Ron Logans property, which is exactly where the girls found. 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delphi murders pictures