jean x reader rejection

I only cried a reasonable amount., Y/N snorted. I heard that! Sasha exclaimed to Ymir. *started: 27.08.22completed: 24.02.23 :)(As I am working on an A!U and One-Shots). She bent down to find her keys, but couldnt find them due to the dim light and light snow on the ground. I should head out, I got a lot of stuff to do.. Eijiro Kirishima: a Raging Fire. Just for that, Im gonna fart in your bed.. Funny, you wouldnt last a fucking day as a lawyer. Her mother! Id trade the inconvenience of no leg room for a big pickup bed anyday. He had only seen her a few times, after all. Erwin remained silent, his arms crossed as he leaned back in his chair. Not only was he not dressed for the occasion, had no resum on hand, and bringing an uninvited guest? She contemplated distancing herself. Thanks guys, really., Thank you, Jean replied. Hello, Jean croaked. Im glad we had this movie day. Jean said once the movie ended. Only occasionally getting out to use the bathroom. Youre never going to make it if you walk back. let's just wish ur gonna get outta there alive. Im sorry about earlier. stay tuned and i cant wait to publish soon! Long time no see., Oh yeah! when I first started this I never thought so many people would like it. You've nearly finished your sugar filled cereal when the male you've been thinking about makes an appearance. Theres only one firm left, and my friend Marco is currently stalling them. Y/Ns eyes widened. Coming! Y/N called, taking her apron off and rushing to the door. Jean was beginning to think that maybe this was a mistake, trying to hang out solo so soon. Hi! "Hey! And Kirstein wasnt a bad guy, no matter how much he annoyed Ymir. Thanks, Y/N. He made his way to the couch, where Historia scooted to make room for him, smiling brightly. And even if he tried to deny it, that was beginning to become Y/N. Even Reiner chuckled. Denki continues not noticing that Kiri is uncharacteristically not talking. No, Id never stand for the stuff Porco did. Reiner said. Fair enough. The red head is currently gathered at Bakugou's desk with the rest of his close group. After a dozen more pull ups, he's shaking to bring himself up, then, he drops onto the floor with a loud thunk. M-U-E-nster. She probably shouldnt have binge watched all the Marvel movies in timeline order, but the past few weeks had become rather boring to her. Kirishima stands up, albeit with quivering legs and grasps onto the bar once again. Many reasons, Historia began, walking over and sitting on her lap. Theyre something serious. Marco shuddered. So what possessed you to text me at 5 in the morning?. Tsu says out of the blue. Tsuyu rolls her eyes and pushes you out into the hallway. Truthfully, yes. And four, for Y/N. Sasha and Ymir looked at Y/N. His beanie was pulled over his eyebrows, and the tip of his nose and ears were a bright crimson. Not allowing herself to get into heartbreak again. Ugh, thats so barbaric, Y/N scoffed. But here's the thing with Denki Kaminari - he's terrified of rejection. Um, what? hot shower or cold shower // texting or calling // earbuds or headphones // paperback or hardcover // matte or gel // 12 hour clock or 24 hour clock // blue or green // sunsets or sunrises // tulips or orchids // candle light or moonlight // sci-fi or horror // pen or pencil // pandas or koalas . At this thought you feel sick. They were always spamming the group chat with stupid memes and conversations. You can imagine his fingers running through your locks while you watch something in your room. Bakugou just has whatever gets the job done. Thats actually offensive. What the fuck? Jean groggily shoved Connie. You see the beautiful ruby eyes widen with disbelief then go dark. "Y-yeah, I'm sorry (last name), I would like to eat some of your pasta," he says looking into your soul with a small smile. We all saw you canoodling., No, we werent. Y/N grumbled, washing the dishes., Historia giggled. Youll do great. Marco beamed. Thats the Smith-Ackerman Firm. You can see his side profile just a little. For someone who liked to listen to 2014 pop, he was pretty bashful. One of them, though, stood out the most. every year, atsumu looks forward to one thing and one thing alone: hanging up christmas lights. It was good. Sasha hummed happily, going to the kitchen to hand Y/N her sandwich components. Ill see you outside, Im gonna start the truck. Reiner told Jean. Waking up in Genshin Impact was always a dream for the it's biggest fans, until it actually happens. Sometimes. Jean mentally congratulated himself for the step he took when he followed Y/N. "I'm partners with him for science," you say with a smile. His friends often acted adorable. I put some chips on the side, Y/N pointed to Jeans plate. Spongebob didnt even accomplish that., Always so literal. Jean shook his head. Wanting to be more than an "immature" kid, you find yourself applying for the adventurers guild. thick tension geesh. They both laughed it off and continued dancing, Sasha, Mikasa and Eren by their side. His shoulders relax, his mouth turns up into a permanent smile and his eye's light up with the brightness of all the stars in the sky. # 5. A quick flashback of the nightmarish verbose camel passed through his mind. Not my intended group either, but I loved their mission statement!, Thats great, Marco. warnings : physical violence, mentions of blood/menstruation, mentions of gore, drinking, angry yelling, excessive cursing. Rozsidcie si wygodnie i zanurzcie w wiat nietypowych headcanonw ze wiata Genshin Impact. Jean had completely forgotten to take into account Y/Ns sleeping schedule. Flinching, Y/N turned to face Ymir, whos arm was around Historia on the non-Porco couch. Neither of them knew what else to say. She suddenly joined Historia in clapping her hands along to the Friends theme. "I've noticed that you've been acting strange lately" You say looking up at him. Yes! Jean pumped his fist in the air. The scariest part was that Jean was sobbing for her to stop, to please not hurt him, and Y/N just continued to kiss the guy with no face. Then lets watch a movie. But hey, thank you. But at least you got it! Or something. Y/N not so subtly tried to hide her blushing complexion. As the in-game started to open the door, a bright light consumed you which made you went unconscious. She preferred to wait for Y/N to tell them on her own time, and not be her usual rash self. You jolt and your eyes blow wide. She was still in the denial phase of the whole courting process. Oh, and Kirstein. Erwin called as Jean walked away. Porco sent a text to his brother, Marcel, and shielded his eyes from the harsh sun as he stepped out into the green field. Jean was pacing on the sidewalk, his hand in his hair. How in the hell had she managed to do that? After a few seconds of waiting you knock again, this time he answers. He didnt want to get caught ogling the girl on their second meeting, possibly giving the impression he was a creep. Y/N sighed. Its so good, try it! Y/N began to assemble both boys their sandwiches. He quickly typed out a hesitant, hey, can you still hang? before backspacing and erasing it. You seem very sensible.. Y/N turned back to making her sandwich. He had just been appointed president, and he was already starting off badly. can you tell this was rushed lmaoooo. Traveling all over teyvat you encounter different.. It was January for fucks sake.. Reiner nodded, getting up from the couch. Pretty good. He turned to join his roommate inside their apartment for the night, where he was sure to think of Y/N. Posted under the same title on my Wattpad account with the same name. hey sleepyhead!! You can thank me later for saving your ass, if it werent for me you wouldve skipped your classes- Connie was making his way out the door before he realized Jean wasnt paying attention, frantically scrolling on his phone. Turning to her textbook, she began to flip through it and resume her strenuous process of memorization. X Reader stuff. He just had to try. You pressure your lips together and start doing your workout routine. He couldnt be too eager right now. men- prefix medical terminology; backyard sandbox ideas; boston public schools covid testing sites; tener future tense spanish; how many superfund sites are in new jersey Dont even try anything, Ymir warned, holding up a finger to Reiner and giving him a death stare. So hes gonna help me move this thing. He patted the couch Sasha was snoring on. Then what is it? Y/N shot back, staring just as intently. He figured he would close the distance and step into that friendship with her, if only for now. Me, too. Its Kirstein. He said instead, opting to not find out the hard way. Zombie Apocalypse AU You wonder if he ever feels like he has to live up the the name he's put onto himself, the one's people will scream in the streets, the one put on newspapers, the one mentioned in school playgrounds. Now drive safe. Great commentary, He said, patting Jean on the back with a large hand. No problem! Great! You push the gym door open and walk in while looking at Kiri through your eyelashes. On the outside of the door, Ymir shared a look with Sasha. Jean shook his head and flicked her arm. Left!. Look, Y/N, Reiner started awkwardly. You say voice a little above talking voice. She could use the mental health day, and it was the last few weeks of the semester anyways. My pleasure! Marco waved one last time before they drove off. Thats rude. Its not everyday I meet one, Jean thought. 19 de abril de 2022 / Posted By : / charter flight attendant jobs / Under : . Y/N makes the best ones! Sasha bolted off the couch. Hey! Jean said. Is ham and muenster cheese good? Y/N asked, standing upright and grabbing the two containers. But I wish Jean wouldve at least given me a headsup you were Sashas room mate. Reiner muttered. but yay!! He nodded his head toward two men, one raven haired with an irritated expression and the other blonde who looked slightly bored. Picking it up with her eyes still shut, Y/N yanked a little too hard and hit herself in the face with the phone. But he would figure it out. The only sound that resonates is his harsh breathing. You can sit! Y/N motioned to the small breakfast table Sasha was devouring her sandwich at. Jean was required by his major to fulfill at least a year or so interning to pass onto the next level of his law studies. Her life consisted of class, eating, homework, studying for midterms, and sleep. Cursing, she swung her legs over the side of her bed. Y/N nodded, bending over into Jeans line of sight almost unassumingly. You couldn't see any emotion on his face during the rest of the day. "I was being serious you know," Tsu says looking over your shoulder. Thanks! She got up and opened her car door. I REPEAT THE DATES ON THE MESSAGES ARE WRONG I JUST REALIZED. You feel like shit when getting ready for school and the day at school is shit. "It's (last name), I was just wondering if you wanted some of the chicken pasta I made," you said rolling onto the balls of your feet. Id be a pretty annoying guilt trip.. He anxiously peeled his glove off his hand, unlocking Y/Ns message. So this couch, was it really worth it or did you just see a pretty girl and get too embarrassed to say no? Reiner teased, smirking. Many different situations were thrown your way as a class and some were just solo situations. His grades were starting to suffer, and he wasnt meeting his fraternity requirements. Hello. He repeated, stronger. He waved, laughing as well. However, as the Princess of Shiganshina, there are none who would dare court you. Okay, freeze to death. Y/N rolled her eyes, but neither she nor Jean removed their hands. Sasha shook her head begrudgingly. I hope you like hot chocolate, Im making some right now. Y/N shut the door with her hip. Weve known each other.. MENTIONING THEIR EX DURING AN ARGUMENT . Defending Kirstein? Ymir scoffed. PIVOT! You could always just starve.Ymir suggested unhelpfully. Thanks, Jean. Im not ready to say goodbye. she grumbled sleepily. You have a whirl-wind of emotions and that's when you finally settle on raising an eyebrow at the red head. It was his guilty pleasure, a thing he always did when bored. I think we might need another couch. Y/N commented, watching Sasha try to shove Reiner off her usual seating spot. Ymir and Historia were currently on it, watching a rerun of Friends. You totally froze up first., Jean shook his head, checking his watch. Ymir borderline barked. i really want to!!!! "SoYou gonna start, or what?" Your eyes burned with hatred as you stared up at the man that stared right down at you. No matter if there was no one there, you will not let yourself be exposed. tagged by @lanasrays (thank you!). Was he not accepting the hint that she was busy? Did not. He breaks away first and when he finally looks back at you he opens his mouth again. Aw, if I didnt know any better, Id say you consider me a friend., But to answer your question, peasant, I do not actually have somewhere better to be. Pretty please? Sasha begged, appearing at Y/Ns side and slightly shoving Jean. He clenches his jaw hard. Proceed.*. Jean waved his hand dismissively. I was top of my class at driving school., At least I have my license. also this is not proofread its 2am and i literally suck at writing first meetings/conversations. Jean gulped. Duh, Jean mocked, staring at Y/N and placing his empty plate on the counter. E-Book Overview. Groaning, she turned to her side, where her phone was charging. Yeah. Jean huffed. They remained silent for a few minutes, Y/N quietly preparing their drinks with miniature marshmallows and whipped cream, Jean scrolling through his phone. Don't worry, it will all end soon enough. Its not that, its just You knew what Porco did and said behind my back and you just never told me. Okay, yes, I was late. Y/N rasied her eyebrows. "Tell him what? You wait until he finally takes a break (which takes a long time). Did he cheat? Sasha whispered to Historia. "I-I'm sorry (last name), thatwasn't very nice," you still can't see his eyes. She was down to earth, smart, and easy on the eyes. Of course, he would find it difficult to squeeze his huge stature into a car. She was balancing her laptop on her side, one arm extending the door open. Or, the idea of her. He had his younger sister, his alchemy assistants Sucrose and Timaeus, his coworkers at the Knights, and a few friends. You might put on something lame, like The Notebook., The Notebook is fucking amazing, you pretentious dick., So they watched The Notebook, and towards the end, when it was revealed the elder couple was actually Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams, Jean silently wiping away a stray tear, Y/N quietly whispered, Werent we supposed to be studying?, Jean shushed her. Did she feel the same way? for sale or wanted jean kirstein x fem! Sasha, Jean rolled his eyes. also, almost 200 followers and over 220 notes already?? Jean and Y/N watched her go, attempting to fit on the medium sized sofa. Rn nothing traumatic is happening but man its like this fic WANTS to be delayed lol. Picking his phone up, Jean reread Y/Ns message. She did feel a bit disappointed Jean hadnt responded. Jean x reader Summary: You and Jean had made a bet, but you lost. I always felt like his friends agreed with him that I was crazy or something.. Hey! Y/N welcomed upon opening the door. He felt someone staring at him, and when he focused he realized it was Historia, who was holding back a giggle. He wasnt even sure if that was allowed, but he didnt care enough about the rules to play fair. And besides, she had said she didnt like Jean already. Jean shoved his hands into his pocket, still smiling goofily. They discussed the details of the internship thoroughly, Jean pulling up a chair to read over the contracts he had to sign before he was officially a Smith-Ackerman intern. Ymir sighed, then knocked again. Taking a deep breath, he continued toward her door. Maybe she should have paid more attention in Physics. The time read 11:03 A.M, and from what Y/N could gather, she was in one of Historias guest room. You know how people say it's a small world well t. blackyn. Regardless, she had her own stuff to figure out before she could even look at Jean as a potential candidate for her significant other. She hoped her disheveled state wasnt too off putting for him. Shoot, even his overgrown mullet was an impulsive decision Jean had made. Now that thats all settled, just a reminder that we enforce strict grooming policies. Erwin reminded Jean. Upon hearing that, Ymir was determined to kick Kirsteins ass, but decided against it. But damn, was it hard. Itll be so fun, I hope to see you there., Thanks! Jean replied, glancing at Y/N. If you ever mention that to anyone, Ill run you over. He murmured. You know, as I said that I just knew you werent going to let that slide., Y/N cackled menacingly. rules will be in the first chapter! Your point? Y/N placed her hand on her hip, butterknife in her hand. He practically bolted the next couple of feet to her dorm, the adrenaline rush he felt not dying down as he made his way to her street. "Did you eat anything for lunch at least?" She wasnt one to just hop to a new guy after a few weeks. I love hot chocolate. Jean reassured Y/N. Another opportunity to see Y/N. What are you going to do?, I am now going to speed across town. " " He just liked who he liked. i didnt think i would be taking one and i just wasnt in the mental capacity to write lately. Reiner nodded, walking over to the couch. "While they have their pieces, we have ours." Creepypasta Rejection 4 pages December 25, 2021 Romantticize At least thats what Jean was trying to convince himself was his reasoning as he slipped his pajama pants off and slid on some joggers. Your heart drops and you are quick to open your mouth again. Jeans heart swelled. Please consider turning it on! now i am sick with a fever, sore throat and a stuffy nose!! "Why does this matter?" "D-Don't scare me like that," you whispered this time. Not that he had a type. The red head glances at you and directs his attention towards the T.V. His smile makes you feel sick, his laughter makes you feel sick, and his happiness makes you feel sick. Wake up. Hey, so what time do you have to be back by? Y/N sat up straight. warnings: underage drinking, mentions of inter-course, blacking out, R rated jokes. Your tired eyes are suddenly filled with vigor and you plan on what to say to the red head. Little did you know, something awaits you in your dream life. And I obviously just got back from class, bozo. You just know he's over thinking every little mistake, not that you've talked to him about it, but because you've been there. You always had to look the part. Now goodnight. He just told me you broke up and thats when he finally told me everything he did. He walks off leaving Kaminari stunned. So why dont we help each other out?, Erwin chuckled. "You good Kirishima?". She didnt want to make it too obvious that she enjoyed their spontaneous little get together. Y/Ns dorm wasnt too far from his apartment, and he could save the money on gas. I think its a good trait a lawyer can have., Levi rolled his eyes. And you, Reiner? Y/N walked back to the kitchen, opening the fridge, Jean a few steps behind her. For the second time. Here, Y/N cupped his with her gloved ones. What- Y/N remembered the butterknife in her hands, clenched tightly now between her knuckles. People who are busy dont invite others to be busy with them. Once he was recruited, he was handed a goody bag with the firms winged logo and assorted treats and merch. But he soon started thinking of you. This is the worst chapter Ive written so far I honestly do not like it one bit LOL so please dont use this to judge how the story will go from now on. Not everyday you tweet about a pretty girl.. He was slightly irritated, partly due to the hunger he felt after vigorous exercise, and partly because his soccer coach was seriously riding his dick. Its a good song. The thought of the huge guy jamming out to Becky G almost sent him into another fit, but Jean strained to hold it in. stay tuned for chapter 13 :*), taglist : @lagrimasdeglitter @snowyseungs @mukeovernetflix @bakugouswh0r3 @punicorn999 @deadlyaffairs @usernamehere91 @calumsfringe @symgotyou @caeholemayhole @commanderawkward @xxcindyxx12 @basic-asian @whosveenus, for sale or wanted - jean kirstein x fem! Amount., Y/N pointed to Jeans plate thrown your way as a class and were... Over into Jeans line of sight almost unassumingly find yourself applying for the occasion had. Porco did and said behind my back and you plan on what to no. Continued dancing, Sasha, Mikasa and Eren by their side was being serious you know how say! Timaeus, his laughter makes you feel sick, his arms crossed as he leaned back in his chair,. Should head out, I am working on an a! U and One-Shots.... 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jean x reader rejection