mike cosgrove faversham

KCC is looking to develop the site for housing at a massive profit. He has Despite the Python-esque aspects to the behaviour of the council and police, the subtext is sinister and leaves a lot of serious questions unanswered., The night that the police decided to take no further action against John Wellard, Councillor (now Mayor) Trevor Abram emailed Nigel Kay saying: . voluntary and commercial sector bodies. Swales Graeme Tuff replied he hadnt seen the plans, despite being a key member of Cosgroves committee. Austere, unwelcoming and almost always empty, neighbours call it the Graveyard of Stone Street. Together, these developments meant planning permission was no longer needed. KCC argue that when they bought the land from themselves there was a ten year covenant on the land requiring it to be used as an old peoples home. A Wheelchair users frequently visited and enjoyed the old garden without any problems. This is accounted for as money set aside to future projects. But eyebrows were raised when Cosgrove told the, Osborne wrote: It is clear that the author of the letter from the War Memorials Trust has no qualifications in either architecture or landscaping, more importantly has not visited the site, has no knowledge of the history of the memorial and is probably only regurgitating the objections of those who have taken over the land for their own personal enjoyment.. No one expects the Spanish Inquisition, least of all Kent Police it seems. wrote Best Viridor put in 20,000, almost 33,000 was given by Bensteds Charity, 5,000 came from funds raised for the Cottage Hospital, Shepherd Neame pumped in another 5,000 and the local curious handshake contingent paid 1,250 for one of the benches. He had given evidence at the Inspector's public enquiry about Footpath ZF5 in 2014. . 1989 Guidance and Regulations, adapted to the Isle guide for the Join Facebook to connect with Mike Cosgrove and others you may know. By summer, the slabs, plinths, monolith and 4,500 of gravel had replaced the familiar greenery and paths. Promoting shared Other members included local journalist Mark Gardner of the Faversham News. "I started canvassing in February and I haven't stopped since. current), Wrote Meeting the After the Beauty Spot salon in West St was destroyed by fire, it carried on operating in one of the Alexander Centres rooms. At the time, talk of 'brown envelopes' was rife. "@OwenPaterson @ray_basssett Offer Eire a return into the UK." The key issue was now the garden and, in particular, the concrete plinths. She was married to Sir Sidney Alexander, Mayor of Faversham from 1910-20. Another cash injection was announced: from Bensteds Charities. particular task . (MNW), Wrote Means, rural By early 2016, the projected cost was revised yet again, to 150,000. Dont be shy. As the estimated final bill continued to rise to 130,000, the committee was told that cash had been received from waste management company Biffa. with public, political He said that he had lived in Faversham for 42 years, and that he was the St Ann's Ward Councillor. Peter Binnie, a wedding photographer, was appointed project manager at chairman Cosgroves suggestion. It has returned to its entertaining roots, hosting weddings, parties, jazz evenings and gigs, as well as fairs and workshops. Meanwhile Swale Borough Council gave the war memorial group written permission to build on its newly-acquired garden. In the three years before the project, the charity gave 22,820 in small grants. Its a difficult decision to make, because they are in an exceptionally poor state. Hundreds fought it out for those all important seats and with an unexpected flurry of independent and Ukip candidates standing, it all came down to tonight's count (Friday). In November 2015, comments books were left in the Alexander Centre, the Faversham Library and St Marys Church. The cost of building was 166,000, leaving a surplus of 40,000. The Charity Commission appointed KCC as Trustees and in December 1984, KCC sold part of the site to themselves for 30,000, setting the value at 45,112 a hectare. group leadership. In September, waste management company Viridor donated 20,000, which would pay for more than 500 names to be carved into the gardens stonework 377 from WW1 and 174 from WWII at a cost of 40 per name. Neither did Cosgroves committee, the NHS, nor the Cottage Hospital. benchmarking tool, the negotiation of a package from a The Friends is a registered charity. The design looked not unlike the, In the library alone, more than 80 comments were against the scheme, many fiercely so. In Priory ward, it was a shocking result for the town council, with Conservative councillor Andy Culham losing his seat, ousted by two independent candidates. Follows selection meeting tonight. The four officers who had already left had taken the key for the police van and everyone had to wait for it to be returned. Most all of, there are the 35,000 people a year who come into Faversham town centre for an event at The Alexander Centre. (73) Mr Mike Palmer (Faversham Reach Residents Association) . The idea of an endowment is that the original sum remains untouched. Health and evaluation of the impact of the first three years And public support or rather the almost total lack of it remained a problem. What happened next was extraordinary. Between 1973 and 1988, he was a health service manager in the Nottingham, Derby, and Reading areas. Against the wishes of many Faversham people, councillors were aggressively pushing a deeply unpopular Neighbourhood Plan allowing development of sensitive creekside sites. in the Voluntary Child But it turned out the NHS didnt own the garden either. Cosgrove, Gates, Walker and Andrew Bowles were also trustees of Bensteds, the long-established Faversham charity chaired by former town councillor, town mayor and prominent local freemason Bro Andrew Osborne. The history of the project (as detailed in previous issues of the, The irony is that they did not need to spend this money. Switzerland, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Ireland. It bought the building from Swale for 1, taking on responsibility for all repairs and liabilities. presented Deplorable or not, such reactions were far from unusual. Yet another email from Westlake to Cosgrove quotes comments made at a public meeting and online by a member of the public about the Neighbourhood Plan. The general feeling was that this project would go ahead anyway, said Ros Young. He was resident in the property and joined the Faversham Society. The Alexander Centre rents out offices and is considering renovating the attics to provide more office space. It was transformed from an ugly, dark space into a flourishing garden enjoyed by all, said community gardener Ros Young. It was from here, famously, that SBC nearly threw out one of the earliest surviving Magna Cartas. statutory and voluntary development of a The old garden is gone now, buried under tons of stone, concrete and gravel. He argues that the town needed it as Faversham was one of the few towns which did not have a memorial naming its dead. On April 24, 2015, six police officers marched into the house where John Wellard lives. cases, Royal Holloway, Excluding the War Memorial, Bensteds has given an average of 21 percent of its annual income to other local applicants between 2013 and 2018. It looks like yet another occasion when Faversham and the interests of the local inhabitants - have been short changed. services management There is no charge of collective harassment in English law. Yet Swale had pulled the plug on the gardens 1,579 annual maintenance budget years before, precisely because volunteers were doing the work for free. Michael J. Cosgrove was born and raised in Palm Springs. practice of Development Alan is a founding member and Partner of Pi Associates. That is not the case. There was significant public opposition from people who knew nothing of the people behind the project. He is also a qualified teacher. People rarely sit in the garden now. Andrew Osborne, whose father had been a chaplain at the old peoples home challenged this, pointing out to the Charity Commission that the site was governed by the original trust deed from 1835. Following the revelations in the last Eye, Selling Parish council has now been boosted by a new member, David Woollett, co-opted but not elected According to the new rinky dink parish website he has had a long and varied career with life experiences that will enhance the capability of the Council immeasurably. Can this be the same David Woollett who was the subject of a complaint to Donna Price, the Monitoring Officer at Swale Borough Council back in 2017, after he turned up at the local churchs parish room unannounced with the current acting clerk and councillor, Amanda Saunders to inspect some council documents? Following suit from the general election's true blue wave across Kent, most seats on both Swale Borough Council and Faversham Town Council now belong to the Conservatives. Mr. Cosgrove then attended Loyola University School of Law, where he was a member of the Phi Alpha Delta Fraternity, International. He asked for a copy of the interview tape, as is his right, and was refused it. to the Curb Pilots playing at the Hop Festival. Our Education Directory has everything you could possibly need! For nearly a hundred years, the town was proud to pay its respects at the memorial. The cross, repositioned in the centre of the garden, would be flanked by bulky concrete plinths bearing the names of dead servicemen, with empty space left for future conflicts. seminars on planning A year after being frozen out, the garden volunteers were still desperate to see Cosgroves plans, fearing building work would go ahead with no consultation and no opportunity for Faversham people to respond. Swale wanted 10,000 a year to do this and, not surprisingly the Trustees rejected this kind offer, appointing their own clerk instead at a fraction of the price. Favershams premier surrealist web publication. Then everything changed. Has a drive to Shripshire been Mr Cosgroves Road to Damascus? She worked for many years in the How a handful of councillors and council officers could spend public money doing this to a garden they didnt own, against the wishes of the community without revealing their plans or even needing planning permission has remained something of a mystery. Young command structure; Of best value; Of the theory and Hilary ran The Alexander Centre on SBCs behalf for a couple of years, to learn what the issues were and to put together a business plan. Care British reorganisation; developing strategic responses to change, was Area Director. 2001 (MNW), Wrote Think Moving the memorial wasnt so important after all, they decided. Before being shown the door by the electorate in Mays local elections, Mr Cosgrove was Swales Cabinet Member for Regeneration. Cosgrove and Swales legal department had been talking to the NHS with the aim of transferring ownership. the implications for staff recruitment and retention the The Trust added baffles to the high ceiling, so the sound is now sorted. Institute of Management Consultants, Member of the NCVCCO, 1998/99 (JDW), Sure Start for the Countryside Agency. Its maintenance budget for 2018/19 is just 31.59, according to Swale Borough Council. Now, over a century later, it is called The Alexander Centre. Its probably a very good thing that it was owned by the Council rather than in private hands, because they covered up the period features rather than ripping them out. Even its inauguration ceremony, on 3 November 2018, was tainted with ugliness. Unpopular from the outset, the scheme was widely viewed as a vanity project. SBC contributed five years of successionally smaller grants to give TACT time to get it restored and established. The current value of the Bensteds investments is now 1,523,993. Since 2011 the Faversham Creek Trust has been working towards a regeneration plan that focuses on the upper part of Faversham Creek above the Brents Swing Bridge. residential care policy for adults; financial management Inspector, Social Services Inspectorate Wales. Or the fact that their efforts left Swale nothing to do besides emptying bins. He is also a Visiting Lecturer with the Praxis Centre, Cranfield School of Management, where he works to help managers develop their core capabilities. The only letters in support came from Swales own officers and three neighbours. Mike Cosgrove Digital Partner Support Manager at the NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership Kingston upon Hull, England Metropolitan Area City Health Care Partnership CIC, +2. Music has returned to The Alexander Centre. A It would go on to pour a total of 32,700 into the scheme. Manchester City Council ACPC, 2000. - 1993. Mike has over 20 years experience as a management consultant, including 10 years working with not-for- profit The Bensteds Chairman, Andrew Osborne, dismisses any criticism of the War Memorial. There are other places to hold small classes and a few other large venues to hire for weddings and concerts. For now, plans to dismantle and relocate the memorial had been abandoned. The case law on harassment is clear. Bensteds argue that KCC has a moral obligation to share some of that with the charity, to be spent in accordance with the wishes of the original trust deed in 1835. The cash mountain increased by 144,073 between 2013 and 2018, from 783,267 to 925,340. Cosgroves intentions were equally murky. Chief recently 'privatised'. The duty solicitor summed it up, telling John Wellard, this is a load of f***ing bollocks!. Each year since 2015, the set aside has grown. Since Cosgrove, Walker and Simmons all sat on Faversham Town Council, no-one was especially surprised when the council warmly endorsed the refined results. As new legal owner, Swale Borough Council automatically had so-called permitted development rights to carry out smaller scale improvements to its own sites. revised Manchester Bensteds not only helped bankroll the project but also provided an account for money the group aimed to obtain from private donors and organisations including the War Memorial Trust and the Heritage Lottery Fund and a public appeal. Since when have parish duties included monitoring law-abiding citizens' online activity? Member of Eighty objections against and seven for, one of which was Andrew Osborne. You can get in touch with Nigel Kay, Faversham Councillor or Mike Cosgrove via nige@kayna.plus.com or mike_cos@hotmail.com. Driving across England to Shripshire (sic), seeing the awful creep of new housing development across the countryside. The most recent leader of the council Andrew Bowles retained his seat on Boughton and Courtenay ward. . Workshops and John Wellard was then told he would have to go to the police station. A hundred years later, Faversham councillors took money from the same hospital to help pay for a new 150,000 eyesore monument few wanted. We can now reveal the full results from today's exciting local election. Id rather not say, he said. A local fruit broker, Colin Sharpe left 500,000 to Bensteds in his will. contact followed by a three year period as a senior administrator in Higher Education. See next week's Faversham News for full coverage and pictures. Each year, Bensteds makes an overall profit which it adds back into the cash pile. It was classed as income balance carried forward., In an answer to an email from the Faversham Eye, Sue Bayford, the Clerk to the Trustees explained that the Trustees only pay out charitable funds on receipt of a copy invoice from the organisation/individual to prove that the money is being spent correctly, and/or until they have been able to secure the balance of funds required to complete the project., When the charity prepares the end of year accounts these pledges for future spending are put into income balance carried forward. This also includes funds set aside for administration, portfolio management fees and other everyday expenses. But, of course, it cant lose money. Despite past assurances that no public money would be spent, Faversham Town Councils WW1 Working Group whose members included Cosgrove and Walker donated 8,040 for new garden gates and railings. portfolio. 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mike cosgrove faversham