san francisco zen center scandal

Downing, who lives in Cambridge, Mass., provides an outsider's view into the incestuous circles at the first Buddhist monastery in the West. According to the dust jacket, Downing spent three years interviewing 80 people at the center of the Zen Center scandal. Finally, as Suzuki apologized to Baker for what he was going to do to him, i.e., give him and only him Dharma transmission, Suzuki knew that all was not right or ripe or both with Baker. Ironically, one may ask, is that what Suzuki hoped to reform? [6] Baker also penned the introduction to Suzuki's famous book, Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind. Some people felt that I had committed an irrevocable betrayal of trust, and have discounted me and my teaching ever since. What was or was not implied in Baker's transmission from Suzuki? It means, "Don't ask. He then drove after the alleged mugger and followed him into a housing project with the revolver (unloaded) in hand, being arrested minutes later by a police officer with his own gun pointed at him.[36]. In his letter, Zournas, who had resigned the presidency in July, details for the lawyers benefit how the various board members reacted to a motion that Shimano and his wife, then the organizations treasurer, be fired. In Northern California, Zen chic peaked in the early 1980s, and its rise and fall has much to do with the stories of two lives -- another Japanese man named Suzuki and another Westerner with a brilliant mind and roving eye. Nevertheless, following extensive investigation, even Chadwick was forced to admit: "Anything Shunryu had done that could be considered remotely antiwar he had done before the Pacific war started" (p. 97). Katagiri would go on to establish his own practice centerthe Minnesota Zen Centerin 1972 in Minneapolis. Zen Center members did not think there was any thought control or propaganda necessary to escape when it came to Zen. Koun Yamada was Yasutani roshi's Dharma heir. Hence, a number of questions were never openly raised: Was he acting in an arrogant fashion? Americans needed somebody to teach them the rituals. Kwong's transmission was later completed by Suzuki's son, Hoitsu.[1][11][12]. Some people felt that I had committed an irrevocable betrayal of trust, and have discounted me and my teaching ever since. One of Shimanos greatest advantages has been that he is Japanese. It seems that Zen's emphasis on wisdom, while giving compassion only lip service, is really about power. 2002: 8-11. But the Soto sect tries to have it both ways. One older student expressed it this way, "In our hands, and it was in our hands, it [Suzuki's pure teaching] became a bludgeon of power, a source of competition, jealousy, and paranoia. From the perspective of power and control, the political and the religious spheres overlap. Senior members also appeared blind to the voices of others and closed to criticism. It may be Zen-like, but it can also be annoying. "[33], In the 1980s Baker ordained Issan Dorsey as a priest. "It was a fantastic drive," he said, it was safe to drive and that he liked to keep his legs in zazen posture. Another error is seen in the statement that Yasutani roshi rescinded the Dharma transmission he gave to Philip Kapleau. But Downing does approach the story with an open mind, and doesn't fall into the trap of trying to portray Baker as a monster or a saint. I too was a member of a Zen center where we also felt that our group and style of practice were in some ways unique. Baker's use of Dixon's words begins the description of Suzuki Roshi, with the strange phrasing "a roshi is" This substitutes what is supposed to be a description of their close and beloved teacher Suzuki Roshi, a real person, with an abstraction, "a roshi." Also see, Brown, Edward Espe, Not Always So: Practicing the True Spirit of Zen, Harper Collins, 2002, Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness: Zen Talks on the Sandokai, Ed. Peter L. Berger, the well- known American sociologist writes, "Unlike puppets, we have the possibility of stopping in our movements, looking up and perceiving the machinery by which we have been moved. For a many sided view of the Zen koan see, The Koan, Ed. "If you scratch under the bitterness, there's a lot of beauty there," says Norman Fischer, abbott of the Zen Center from 1995 to 2000. 4.5. We may however, ask, "What commitment was Suzuki referring to?" Under Baker's leadership, it appears that the Center functioned as a dysfunctional family, denying that anything was wrong or problematic. It is fashionable among practitioners in the West to consider critical thought as "un-Zen." And that very presentation is the freight of the Zen machine. However, it should be noted, that he let interviewees voice any number of inaccuracies without comment. After six months, he returned to his position. Audio recordings of familiar sounds heard at our temples. Zen elevates its leaders to super-human status, then emphasizes that we should be obedient and subservient to a powerful and supremely accomplished authority figure, precisely because he is powerful and supremely accomplished. 1967 also saw the arrival of Kobun Chino Otogawa of Eiheiji, who served as assistant to Suzuki. In this sect, Dharma transmission is commonly a father-son transmission ritual culminating in the son's inheritance of the family temple. Foulk doubts that the Chan sect existed as a separate sect with its own monastic institutions during the Tang dynasty. Guests are . Suzuki Roshi 1969 - The current SFZC building was purchased with the help of American students. If someone attempted to question some aspect of Baker's behavior, both Baker and senior disciples reminded them that Baker was the only American Dharma heir of Suzuki. There he found the corpse of a man with a bullet wound to the head and a revolver nearby. His death came shortly after the publication of Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind, a collection of lectures translated into numerous languages and considered a classic of contemporary Zen literature. After six months, he returned to his position. Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, shortly before his death in December 1971, gave him Dharma transmission in the Soto sect of Zen, thereby making Baker, for his students and for all future people in his lineage, an authentic link to the Buddha. By this time there had also been an abundance of scholarly writing and empirical evidence exposing much of the mythology surrounding Zen. Not what the holy man is but what he signifies in the eyes of those who are not holy gives him his world- historical value. With this investment it is understandable that one might not want to question too closely the teacher's behavior. He was joined by his wife Mitsu (also from Japan) in 1961. As long as it was understood that Baker was the only Dharma heir of Suzuki, it was exceedingly difficult for any one to question Baker's behavior and style. This is one reason why we are looking at his case, to see how the system works, how it has always worked. He jumps across decades, and sometimes seems to jump onto whatever thought crosses his mind. It is hard to avoid the conclusion that Suzuki, in so many ways an admirable person, had a large hand in the problems that followed his death. But the Americans didnt know that. This is hagiography, which is necessary for Chan's self-legitimating claims of mind-to-mind transmission and unbroken lineage. In 1989, some six years after Baker was forced to leave, he threatened to take back Zen Center by going to court. His youngest daughter, Omi, committed suicide after spending nine years in a mental hospital; he gave Dharma transmission to his son Hoitsu, who did not study with him or even get on with him, but who inherited his temple (this is standard Soto Zen procedure); he gave, as a favor to a friend, Dharma transmission to someone he did not know or have any contact with. The idea that Zen's emphasis on wisdom while only giving lip service to compassion in reality is then about power is an idea that I have just begun to examine. Despite having only had 12 years in the United States, Suzuki had gone a long way toward establishing Soto Zen in America. Sitting meditation (zazen) is available live online Monday through Friday mornings, Saturday mornings, and Monday through Friday evenings. And perhaps most importantly, his authority will be understood with a taken-for-granted quality of being natural. (Downing's interviews showed that he did.) On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. A roshi is a person who has actualized that perfect freedom which is the potentiality for all human beings. Explore hundreds of dharma talksby San Francisco Zen Center teachers, practice leaders, and speakers from the wider community. A number of Downing's interviewees spoke of receiving the true or pure Zen teaching from Suzuki Roshi. As in any field, there is a need for experienced and knowledgeable teachers. Berger begins, "Every human society is an enterprise of world-building. He was 67 years old. Some former students say they were encouraged to believe that being groped by him was part of their. David Hume said in his Of the First principles of Government (1758) that "Nothing appears more surprising to those who consider human affairs with a philosophical eye than the easiness with which the many are governed by the few, and the implicit submission with which men resign their own sentiments and passions to those of their rulers." It should be kept in mind that the senior members, by 1982, were often over forty years old and had been practicing at Zen Center for fifteen or more years. This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Established in 1962, the San Francisco Zen Center is one of the largest residential training Soto Zen Buddhist organizations outside of Asia. This is the sort of detail, which might be useful to both present and future students, but it is absolutely missing from all of the completely standard biographies of Zen masters through the ages. Although his salary was reportedly modest, he lived a lifestyle which many perceived as extravagant. Despite extraordinary personal shortcomings, Eido Shimano continued to wield spiritual authority throughout his time at the Zen Studies Society. The deal I cut with him, Kelly told me, was that he stop sleeping with Western women and only sleep with Japanese women, because they dont tell.. Also available are practice sessions with SF Zen Center teachers. Green Gulch Farm ("Green Dragon Temple", or Soryuji), located in Sausalito, California in a valley on the Pacific Ocean, was acquired by SFZC in 1972. While traveling back to school after a vacation, he stopped with a friend at Dai Bosatsuthe Zen Studies Society's monastery in the Catskillsand was impressed immediately. This "non-person" i.e., a roshi, is a generic person, who supposedly is a real member of the Buddha's family, the holder of absolute truth, whose function besides producing an heir to keep the lineage alive, is to wield authority: to be listened to, obeyed and bowed down to. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews. Hence, questioning and dissent became a shortcoming of the person expressing such a view. Guests stay at the Lindisfarne Guest House, a traditional Japanese building with a wood-burning stove as the heating source. The teacher knew all; the American knew nothing. If you are new to Zazen, they have a great Saturday morning tutorial session every week. Original Dwelling Place by Robert Aitken book review by Robert Goss buy this book now And what was Suzuki's intention here? [3] Because his family moved around frequently, he lived in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Indiana, and Pittsburgh growing up. From 1986 to 1988 he served as abbot of the San Francisco Zen Center, and from 1988 to 1995 he served there as co-abbot with Sojun Mel Weitsman. I welcome any comments from the reader. Baker Sums It Up And then I went back and basically never left. Around 1970, he began sitting regularly with a group in Santa Cruz that went on to form the Santa Cruz Zen Center. [9] The building, designed by Julia Morgan, was built as the Emanu-el Residence Club in 1922 for the Emanu-el Sisterhood. This is not surprising if we remember that in Soto Zen "spiritual attainment" is rarely a criterion for Dharma transmission. Most of the narratives of the early heroes of Chan that we have today were composed hundreds of years after the ostensive events, complete with verbatim accounts of the master's interaction with a disciple presented as if a court stenographer had been recording the entire interaction. Was he perhaps not a fully realized person? With so many students and so much public attention, some felt Baker became less available to the members of the community. I have copies of these letters. Sasaki, of Rinzai-ji, a Zen center in Los Angeles, is now 106 years old and, as his board members finally admitted in 2013, was groping and fondling unwilling students well into his 11th decade. The conception of an unbroken lineage based on the idea of mind-to-mind transmission going back to the Buddha superceded a previous idea of authority that was based on texts, i.e., the sutras, which were understood to embody the words of the historical Buddha. Baker also gives seminars at Boulder Zen Center in Boulder, Colorado twice each year, typically on the last weekends of January and April. He also grabbed the land for Green Gulch farm and retreat center, located in a spectacular valley near Muir Beach. But in the end it is not the extraordinariness of the teacher that perplexes, intrigues, and deepens the student, it is the teacher's utter ordinariness. Yet Baker certainly knew that, at best, few if any roshi are so fully realized. [11][13][14][15], In 1976, SFZC purchased the Gallo Pastry Company to found the Tassajara Bakery, which became popular before being sold to the company Just Desserts in 1992. As the American Dharma heir to Shunryu Suzuki, Baker assumed abbotship of the San Francisco Zen Center (SFZC) shortly before Suzuki's death in 1971. I had a kind of insecurity and self-importance, which I didn't see for a long time, that was a bad dynamic in the community. More commonly it is bestowed or given by a teacher to some one with limited attainment in order to keep his lineage alive. Anderson became entangled in an incident in 1987 that reached back to 1983 just after Zentatsu Richard Baker had resigned as abbot. It is possible that Suzuki had a paternal attachment to Baker. He was a very traditional Rinzai master: stern when he needed to be, very rarely encouraging. What they really found is another story of flawed human behavior. Suzuki died of cancer on December 4, 1971. If you're looking for some information that's important to you (such as research for work or learning how to manage your money), then the advice here is to first write down the relevant keywords on a piece of paper to figure out exactly what you want, which will be a lot more efficient. Zen Mind, Beginners Mind by Shunryu Suzuki buy this book The only one of the four whose reputation was unblemished, Shunryu Suzuki of the San Francisco Zen Center, gave his sangha over to a man named Richard Baker, who was later embroiled in a sex scandal of his own, resigned from his abbacy, and became the subject of a book with the appropriately suggestive title Shoes Outside the Door. [2] As the American Dharma heir to Shunryu Suzuki, Baker assumed abbotship of the San Francisco Zen Center (SFZC) shortly before Suzuki's death in 1971. But the percentage of the Zen clergy implicated in sexual misdeeds is many times greater than that of the Catholic clergy. [9] In the midst of the growth, Baker became a popular public figure. The sangha was incorporated by Shunryu Suzuki Roshi and a group of his American students in 1962. The tension was alleviated when Suzuki's Western students began gathering for separate services, albeit still at Sokoji, in 1961. [34], Following Baker's resignation, Dainin Katagiri led the community until 1985. Brian Victoria was so interested in the possibility of a public pacifist/anti-war Soto monk that he contacted Suzuki's son Hoitsu who told him: "I don't know where all of this antiwar talk comes from, but my father and the rest of the family supported Japan's war effort just like everyone else." The number of practitioners at SFZC grew rapidly in the mid-sixties. On May 23, 1959, Shunryu Suzuki (then age 55) came from Japan to San Francisco to serve as head priest of Sokojia Soto Zen temple then located at 1881 Bush Street in Japantown. The situation is now reversing, as the Japanese, in particular, abandon Buddhism as an old relic, while it continues to find adherents in the West. That made him the successor and dharma heir to Shunryu Suzuki, a Japanese Zen missionary who came to California in 1959 to serve immigrant families living in Japantown. . I finished high school early, and at 17 I went to college, Schnyer said. There are two kinds of authority. It simply means that a power structure has evolved that will perpetuate itself even if it means imputing "attainment" to people who don't really have it. [10] The Residence combined residential rooms that could house 70 women on the upper floors, with public spaces for spiritual, recreational, and educational uses on the ground floor and basement. In the end, both teacher and student fall prey to these fantasies. In the 1960's and 70's, San Francisco Zen Center students, like most other Zen students in the U.S.A., thoroughly accepted (among a range of glaring historical inaccuracies) the idealistic Zen rhetoric, including the notion that Dharma transmission is only about spiritual attainment, that all roshis are essentially equal, and that Zen institutions in East Asia are apolitical and divorced from the state. During his interview with Downing, Baker Roshi explains that having a "nice car," girlfriends and going out to dinner were implementations of Suzuki Roshi's commitment to lay practice. The bakery was closed altogether in 1999. However Zen texts may define the role, Zen masters have not been fully enlightened beings beyond question. SFZC will continue to offer classes, talks, workshops, and sangha gatherings through the Online Practice Center and residential guest student practice opportunities at all three temples. With this view in place, the entire spectrum of permissible thought is now caught and limited within Zen's mythological presentation, which was a completed creation by the eleventh century in China. The San Francisco Zen Center "scandal" was not unique in American Zen history. He was what I needed. The idea and ritual of Dharma transmission rather than the meaning or content of that transmission, becomes the prominent and meaningful fact. How San Francisco Zen Center Operates They also have a lot of other awesome Saturday morning programs for zen noobs (znoobs!!). By saying this, he was emphasizing his guarantee that the essence of the Zen lineage resides in Baker. He also ran a temple virtually under the control of Japan's repressive fascist era government. In the future, his name will be used as proof of authenticity for someone else that is also claiming this authentic connection to the Buddha. Was it all really such a big deal? These and any number of other questions, complaints, hurts or criticisms harbored by his disciples, were not raised. These recordings of zazen instruction feature a variety of teachers offering an introduction to meditation. Its raison d'etre is to produce people who possess a fundamental insight into life, people who are not fooled by appearances or ideas. The senior members blindly and unquestioningly bought into Zen's mythology and Baker's transmission being above and beyond question. The organic farm at Green Gulch supplies local restaurants and food suppliers and sells flowers, produce and herbs at Ferry Plaza Farmers Market in San Francisco. [1][15], In 1983 Tenshin Reb Anderson received shih from Zentatsu Richard Baker, becoming Baker's first Dharma heir (though Baker disputes this). Mission. A monastery and retreat center in a remote mountain valley in the Ventana Wilderness SFZC Online Resources for beginners, zazen (meditation) and chanting, Dharma talks, live online practice sessions with teachers, as well as classes and workshops from our Online Programs. Look, theres a certain type of person that is looking for something else in another culture, said Ed Glassing, the former resident monk at both Zen Studies Society locations, whom Shimano maligned as a homosexual. Sort of like, something they dont have, so its mysterious, exotic, its like whoa. The social contract and national constitutions count because we believe them to count, because we will them into reality. The results of this in terms of the quality of his life are extraordinary-buoyancy, vigor, straightforwardness, simplicity, humility, security, joyousness, uncanny perspicacity and unfathomable compassion. "[12] And Baker, for his part, is quoted as having said in a 1994 interview with Sugata Schneider: I don't think that the gossipy or official versions of what happened are right, but I feel definitely that if I were back in the situation again as the person I am now, it wouldn't have happened. Suzuki's arrival came at the tail end of the Beat movement and just prior to the social movements of the 1960s, both of which had major roots in San Francisco. "[16], On September 25, 1999 in Salem, Baker married Marie Louise, daughter of Maximilian, Margrave of Baden, and grandniece of Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. [5], In 1983 Tenshin Reb Anderson received shiho (Dharma Transmission) from Richard Baker. (It should also be noted that Victoria is fluent in Japanese while Baker and Chadwick are not.) SteveSiesta. Mark Oppenheimeris the author of three other books, includinga memoir of high school debateand atravelogue about crashing bar mitzvahs. Zen at War by Brian Daizen A. Victoria: a link to varioius book reviews buy this book now Surely others felt the same way, but only Schnyer and Kelly have been so bold or articulate, have made clear the amorality, and the misogyny, that can infect Zen practice and enable its malefactors. Besides the personal power of his position Baker lived with paid travel, an abundance of high-priced worldly goods, a number of well-appointed residences, a steady supply of household help and assistants, sex with his students and access to high profile friends. And he found them quite easily, because Westerners practicing Zen have an almost infantile relationship to what they perceive to be the authentic, Oriental father. The fact is that almost everything about Zen's presentation, practice, and rituals is aimed at producing people who give up their good sense with the promise of a greater gain in the future. by Steven Heine and Dale S. Wright, Oxford University Press, 2000. #28 of 84 Specialty lodging in San Francisco. A gem! The virgin birth, the Buddha, Joseph Smiths golden plates that became the Book of Mormonto build spiritual tradition, it does not matter if the people were real or if the events happened. [5][16][17][18][19], In 2000 Jiko Linda Cutts was appointed Abbess, having received Dharma transmission from Tenshin Reb Anderson in 1996. People interviewed had the luxury of hindsight. Maezumi, affiliated with another West Coast zendo, the Zen Center of Los Angeles, was a philanderer and an alcoholic, as the scholar Dale S. Wright has detailed at length. The Soto sect tries to have it both ways he lived a lifestyle which many perceived as.. 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san francisco zen center scandal