toba hulk powers and abilities

"Just as the Incredible Hulk 'is the strongest one there is,' so too are gamma ray bursts the most powerful explosions known.". Survived battling with Nightcrawler. Her boyfriend, Hotshot, then was forced to tie her to a chair, due to her power growing out of control. Enjoy. Holds approximately an incredible 270 undecillion tons of a black hole core while rescuing himself and his friends the defenders while being sucked into the black hole (from Defenders Vol 1 #3). [19], When the Hulk arrived at the Below-Place, he was split from Bruce Banner,[20] whom Brian took captive with the intention to make him the new vessel for the One Below All and bring the Earth to the Below-Place. He can also warp reality. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! [6] This alludes to its phrase "I have all of the power you give me." It was here revealed that the One Above All, also called the "Above-All-Others", exists beyond time and space, and alternates between appearing as female and male. Facts Also like in Exemplars & Eidolons, each PC has a number of Facts (three to be exact). I devoured the selves that were here in a time long past. We saw what TOBA Hulk could do to most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, to Franklin Richards, Mr. Immortal, and Galactus, and even when restricted by the Green Door, fans suggest that TOBAs power equals Memphistos. Matching the Super-Adaptoid, who had acquired strength and durability of over a hundred heroes like Iron Man and the Vision (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #469). He was recruited by General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross and the U.S. Army to develop the first Gamma Bomb, which would use gamma radiation (basically Satan magic) to target enemy weapons and buildings without endangering human lives. Laws set forth from Above declare that only he may now reverse that decision.[22] Master Order, whilst observing Adam Warlock alongside Lord Chaos, said: And may the Supreme Will smile on the golden warrior. Warlock later recounts how he was called to judgment by the Living Tribunal, who he describes as the servant of the One who is above even gods.[23], The Cosmic Cube Kubik, on a tour of reality displaying various higher powers to Kosmos, upon meeting the Tribunal, told her that while it is the most supreme power which can be comprehended, "logic would indicate that the Tribunal itself is but another servant, but of what none dare imagine. Punched through a time storm, something that even Kang's time machine couldn't (from. 10 billion years later, the Breaker of Worlds has destroyed all light, all life, and all planets in the Multiverse (from Immortal Hulk #25). Survived a powerful lightning from Thor (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #440, Onslaught Reborn #3). While they are named ___th Cosmos, they are actually far more than universes. Overpowering a field of energy endowed with sufficient power to alter the orbit of a planet (from Tales to Astonish #89). One last thing worth mentioning was that in the first few issues the Hulk was grey skinned and not green skinned and it was mainly due to technical issues with the printing of the comics that they changed his skin colour. Joe Fixit became the dominant personality and managed to talk Fantastic Four to enter the Below Place through the Forever Gate along with Jackie McGee. Survived energy blasts from the Silver Surfer himself (from. It has enough knowledge and intelligence to communicate and perceive the universe and beings within it but according to Brian Banner it "doesn't have a true mind. Hulk explodes with only a skeleton left. Eats cosmic radiation to become a Cosmically-powered Hulk, coming back from obliteration to do so very quickly (from Immortal Hulk #45). Amazon, the Amazon logo, AmazonSupply, and the AmazonSupply logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. Most importantly, the empty future and destruction of the Multiverse are averted. Before we explain what TOBA Hulk is we need to touch upon briefly the entity The One Below All itself. [22] Sterns managed to open a Green Door and assimilate Brian's soul into himself, obtaining his connection with the One Below All. The ten realms in Marvel are confirmed to be Universes. Ripped out an alien Spike from his body before healing up (from Incredible Hulk Vol 2 #99). The Big Green Dude The Green Guy The American A Pioneer in Gamma Radiation Wild Card The Big Guy Doc A Mindless Beast Big Man After billions of years of immortality, the most powerful Hulk roams the ninth cosmos, far in the distant future, Dormammu was able to defeat Multiversal Eternity, Stated that he could conquer the multiverse, and melt all creation into a pool of cosmic slag, absorbed the power of Multiversal Eternity, and threatened to destroy the entire multiverse, Umar own states Dormammu has stole Eternity's power after trick him, Sends Fin Fang Foom flying with a thunderclap, turning him into a projectile that shatters a barrier capable of withstanding the Mindless Ones, The Hulk's thunderclap sends back the Night-Crawler's sonic beams, destroying the entire universe, Can run at eye blurring speeds, as confirmed by text boxes Bruce Banner's dialogue, Withstood a 100,000,000,000,000 ton punch, Darwin (X-Men) attempted to absorb gamma radiation from the Hulk only to find that the Hulk's gamma radiation supply was far more than he could drain, Said by Thor to see the naked souls of men and smell the lies in their hearts hidden even from themselves, Gained the ability to see ghosts because he was afraid of his father coming back to haunt him, Hulk is able to see Dr. strange astral form when no one can, which comes in handy when working with his fellow defender strange, Absorbed the power and redirects it back at the Galaxy Master, destroying him completely, absorbed all of Robert Reynolds' energy (both the supernatural and scientific essences of his powers), Devil Hulk breaks one of the shards and absorbs its power without any harm, Absorb Metatron, the Sentience of the Eighth Omniverse, to become Breaker of Worlds and becoming the cosmic being of the Ninth Cosmos, Can explode if fueled by too much gamma energy, The Galaxy Master reforms into his normal shape and fires gamma radiation rays at the Hulk. Qlippoth (spawn/creations);Hulk of Earth-TRN781 (host);Leader, Brian Banner (former hosts);All Gamma Mutates (creations/slaves/potential hosts);Anti-All (purported offshoot);All other dark entities (possible aspects)[4], The One Below All is the dark side and a part of the cosmic being known as the One Above All, who is the supreme ruler of the Multiverse and the supreme embodiment of creation and compassion,[5] which would make the One Below All the ultimate personification of destruction and hate. Neither he nor I are God, for God rules all realities! After a few used avatars of gamma mutate like Jailbait, and Sasquatch, possessed Brian makes the dead Walt Langkowski insane and sends him on a rampage, which makes Hulk intervene. This event prompted Brian to stop the research; years later, his son made much bigger progress in investigating gamma radiation. So he wanted to make a character similar to him. Similar to when Job asked God the reason of his suffering, the Savage Hulk demanded to know why he is the way he is. The Hulk absorbed the radiation from the explosion. Able to physically overpower one of The Celestial Order beings who were powered by the Heart of the Universe, same ones who were strong enough to one-shot Doctor Strange and Namor (from Marvel: The End #4). Has destroyed an entire city just by stomping really hard, "shockwave causes devastation for miles" (from Incredible Hulk Annual 2001). TOBA himself does not have powers to create, but he does have the power to destroy, annihilate devour and twist the creations others have put forth.As an abstract entity, and the one that acts as a counterweight for TOAA, its hard to exactly define what the powers and abilities of TOBA are since they are most likely limitless and go far beyond the scope of our comprehension. Drawing gamma energy from the below-place (Gamma is both science and magic). Mojoclaw2000 1 yr. ago With the Green Doors closed, the future where the One Below All succeeded was seemingly averted. TOBA Hulk is no more, and Bruce Banner merges with its alter Hulks and becomes complete. The Incredible Hulk is a character created by writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby in 1962, in response from fans who indicated that their favorite character was the Thing (Lee also created the Fantastic Four). Thor can also channel his godly energies through Mjolnir, creating rays powerful enough to kill even immortals. Hulk can withstand a Universe-busting attack from Thor. Destroying the Crypto Man after its physical strength became superior to that of even Thor (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #205). Power Stone Controls all of the power in the universe. Hulk's skin can withstand magic (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #207). Takes a surprise hammer throw from Thor in a relaxed state, to the chin, as well as lightning as Thor professes trying to kill him (from Immortal Hulk #46). While calm, he is capable of leaping roughly 3 miles. I turn my face towards you.One Below All, The One Below All is the source of the mutagenic form of Gamma energy that creates Gamma Mutates while being the cause of how Gamma energy can seemingly do almost anything and break the rules of science and nature. Can absorb dark magic and dimensional nexus energies to grow stronger (from Incredible Hulk Vol 2 #82, The Darkness/Hulk #1 and Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #450). It's when ya come back that ya feel the pain" (from Wolverine Origins Vol 1 #28). It is not a natural part of the multiverse but outside of everything and a dark reflection of existence. Has ability to mimic his eponymous armor by molding his very bones into exterior armor (from Immortal Hulk #32). Survived 50,000 Volts of Electricity (from The Comet Man #3). We do know that the entity is quite powerful, with abilities rivaling the ones that TOAA has as an ultimate creator. At least, that's what Bruce was told. We do nothing that either Eternity or Infinity would object to. PayPal . Due to his almost limitless supply of radiation, he is almost undrainable. world breaker hulk powers and abilities July 15, 2022 . However, the build doesn't have feats for disarm so who cares. Mindlessness: The One Below All on its own is practically mindless and acts little more than a beast, acting to the One Above All in a similar fashion as the Hulk does to Bruce Banner. While needing a host to directly affect the material world, it can subtly influence people and events in physical reality where and when its strongest. The One Below All Hulk origins in Marvel Universe, Who is World Breaker Hulk? The mystery intrigues me. Vast Energy Manipulation: Thor has the ability to manipulate vast amounts of energy, using Mjolnir he can channel the storm's energy into blasts so powerful that he can destroy Secondary Adamantium. Dodged Thor's Mjolnir and catches Silver Surfers board, both of which can travel at MFTL+ speeds. It killed and destroyed until it became the only presence in the cosmos. And that would be all, as you can see TOBA Hulk is technically not a real Hulk in a sense because no trace of Hulk or Bruce Banner were left in the body after TOBA made it its home. Where TOAA wishes to nurture and create, TOBA wishes to drain and demolish until nothing is left in the universe but it. [6][7] It resides in the lowest point of reality, called the Below-Place, from which it rules. The One Above All needs to use it's other aspect or "face", The One Below All in order to destroy or break things down, in order to build. His rising anger allows him to literally beat his own power being used on him. Meaning Savage Hulk at his peak is 10 Universal in base (from Hulk: Let the Battle Begin #1). [29] It even met with and helped Spider-Man when he believed his Aunt May would die and not only restored Peter's faith in humanity but was one of the few times it fully revealed what it was to a mortal being. Guide Bruce to find Doctor Strange (from Immortal Hulk: The Best Defense #1). Durability should be at least High Outerverse level (Embodies The One Above All).

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toba hulk powers and abilities