why is peter called simon, son of jonah

There is also additional relevance at the level of Johns linguistic expression. The Apostles, on the other hand, would rather go back to fishing. Due to security reasons we are not able to show or modify cookies from other domains. The same can be said about following Jesus in whatever we do; He will do incredible things in our life if we do so. Peter, who was also known as Simon Peter of Cephas, is considered the first Pope. The Blessed Trinity has made their choice of Peter. The word Jona means dove. Peter, on the other hand, dodged possible torture by denying Jesus existence. The prophet Jonah, and Simon, the son of Jonas, better known as Peter, had reverse roles, but the Father taught both the same lesson. After that, Peter remembered Jesus words to him, in which he was instructed to reject him three times before the crow came to call. In reality, he was most likely going to go fishing in his old boat with his old nets on this particular day. Required fields are marked *. Following Jesus (1:37-39), the two disciples begin to follow him; one of them is Andrew, who informs his brother Simon Peter of this and takes him to Jesus (1:40-42). After that, he and his pals were all filled with optimism, believing that Jesus was the Messiah they had been expecting for all their lives. What do you think the Lord was thinking when He gave Peter the chance to brag once more about his devotion to Him, which resulted in animosity among the disciples who were present throughout the conversation? John 21:15-17 The New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) 15 When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?". In the same manner, spending time with God helps us to learn to know and love Him more. As a result, we may miss the actual point of a text that is often right in front of us in favor of more oooh-aaaah deep and insightful conclusions that are, in reality, not very good conclusions. Who could God possibly utilize if He only used flawless people? Peter grew up his whole life with a religious set of Jewish beliefs that were entrenched deep in his thinking, and God reshaped that set of beliefs through the events in Acts 10. Jesus THREE TIMES tells son of Jonas to feed Jesus lambs (sheep). Is it OK to utilize the Book of John in evangelism? Bibliography Information Orr, James, M.A., D.D. God had shown Jonah mercy the whale vomited him on the beach. And you will serve as my witnesses from one end of the world to the other, throughout eternity. The disciples, on the other hand, were completely unaware that it was Jesus. NIV And he brought him to Jesus. I found it odd that Jesus would address Peter as Simon bar-Jonah after his declaration of Jesus as the Christ (Matthew 16:17) not because its uncommon for men to be referred to as the son of someone in the biblical text, but because the occurrence takes place so soon (in the text) after Jesus declaration that the only sign that the wicked and adulterous generation would receive was the sign of [what I assume to be the prophet] Jonah (16:4). In the reverse act we find Jesus simply baptizing the feet of the SON OF JONAS who asked that his head and hands also be cleaned, John 13:4-10. Usually he was referred to Simon Peter. Nicodemus sought the kingdom of heaven, as Joseph of Arimathea and Mary Magdala. "Know ye not that so many of us were baptized unto Jesus Christ were baptized unto his death? Jesus addressed him each time theatrically as "Simon, son of Jonah", not as Peter, the name always previously used by Jesus, as if to humiliate Peter in front of the other . It is suggested by many scholars that the "Rufus" mentioned and thanked by St. Paul in Romans 16:13 is Simon's son. AREAS OF MINISTRYLearn about the many aspects of WELS ministry work. Place them in a circle around the first circle, with their backs to the first circle. And he tells them, Follow me, and I will create you men who fish for men. And they immediately left their nets behind and followed him, they said. As Peter preached, people were amazed at his boldness because he was "unschooled" and "ordinary." Lastly, it made Peter feel that Jesus may. Why is Simon called Peter? Note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience on our websites and the services we are able to offer. If this describes you, please pay attention to what follows. In response, he says to him for the second time: Simon, son of Jonas, dost thou love me? Because Peter was willing to leave all he had to follow Jesus, God used him in great ways. Peter has departed his companions and exclaimed without hesitation his profound Messianic belief. His given name was Simeon bar-Jonah (Matthew 16:17; cf. I found it odd that Jesus would address Peter as "Simon bar-Jonah" after his declaration of Jesus as the Christ (Matthew 16:17) not because it's uncommon for men to be referred to as "the son of" someone in the biblical text, but because the occurrence takes place so soon (in the text) after Jesus' declaration that the only sign that the Kephas (Kaiaphas) is height, highness or first in rank, title for the high-priest Both boats were so laden with fish that they were on the verge of sinking! You should pray that God would keep you close to Him if you are just starting to come to know Him. Pedro was a fisherman and worked with his brother and father. Your email address will not be published. The friendship that Simon shared with Jesus was what transformed him into Peter, the rock. Your email address will not be published. Discover ourOneBook: Daily-WeeklyBible study, which includes this article as part of the collection. Peters perspective was shifted as a result of the adjustment. He brought him to Jesus. Jesus then abandons the analogy and asks Peter whether he loves Him with an unwavering commitment. Should the explanation in Genesis on how God created plants before the sun affect the understanding of creation? In the Scriptures he is also called Simon bar Jona (meaning Simon the son of Jonah). An obvious answer might be the simple fact that Simon's father's name was "Jonah." But that cannot be the true significance in this important passage. His exclamation also evokes an immediate comparison between Peter, son of Jonah, and Jonah of the Old Testament. But then, perhaps Jesus gave Peter the name Barjona as a pun, as the name Jonah bears a striking resemblance to the verb (yana), meaning to oppress, vex or do wrong. Jesus informed them that they will be sent forth to teach others how to be rescued from their sins in the near future. Follow me! Jesus says in this segment of the tale, which we may read here. Later, in John 21, Jesus repeated calls him Simon, son of John (John 21:15-17). At that first meeting, Jesus called Simon "Cephas", which in Aramaic means "stone". Then the disciples went out into the world and preached everywhere. As we will see, there is a logical progression to what has been discussed here. In the event that any of this is correct, the motto Love is love is rendered meaningless. What happens next is to me the great parallel between this charming story and our Gospel for Sunday. However, Jesus instructed them to wait until He sent the Holy Spirit to empower them before proceeding (Luke 24:49). As it turned out, Peter adored Jesus Christ much more than he cherished fish! . I take it that your question is occasioned by Matthew 16:17. Latin: Petrus. Because God is sovereign, he is aware of all occurrences and will never be caught off guard by any of them. You are aware of my affection for You. Feed my sheep, Jesus instructed. In that verse Jesus described Simon as "son of Jonah." Elsewhere (John 1:42) Simon Peter is called "son of John." "John" and "Jonah" reflect the variants, or slight differences, in the Greek text. SUPPORT WELS MINISTRYConsider supporting the work of the synod by making an offering online or investing in ministry work. The fish werent biting, and by the end of the night, the disciples had brought in absolutely nothing. The Holy Spirit was sent to fill the disciples just a few days later, just as Jesus had told them (Acts 2:1-4). You will be called Cephas' (which, when translated, is Peter). (Ahead of time, distribute signs to a number of children across the room.) They are hard. Simon, son of John, do you love me agapelove ? he inquired a second time of the young man. Fishing with a rod and reel was not the type of fishing that you and I would normally perform. It was in Galilee that the disciples were since Jesus had instructed them to travel there. However, there are several significant problems with this interpretation of John 21. The answer that Jesus receives from His first question (Who do people say the Son of Man is?) Judea was the next largest region after that. John Carroll explains in The Existential Jesus, pages 144-5, that this is Peter's final humiliation. The word of the LORD came to Jonah son of Amittai Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before Me. But Jonah ran away from the LORD and headed for Tarshish. They were hauling a net that was overflowing with fish. Since that relationship had been compromised by Peter's denial of Jesus, Simon was being called Simon until that relationship could be re-established, which is what Jesus does in this passage. Prayer: Sovereign God, I confess of moments in my life when I was reluctant to go and share the good news of Jesus Christ to others. Then he began cursing and swearing, claiming that he did not know who the man was. Having observed by being caught and executed, Peter will also be taken somewhere he does not want to go, symbolizing the martyrdom he would suffer (21:18-19). 3 "I'm going out to fish," Simon Peter told them, and they said, "We'll go with you." So they went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing. According to this work, this disciple who is not known the name, and who was with Andrew brother of Simon, could be Judas, who according to this work was the son of Simon, brother of Andrew. Simon was the first disciple that Jesus called to follow him. On the third day, the fish vomited Jonah on a beach. While on the boat, a huge storm broke out, and Jonah was thrown overboard and swallowed by a big fish. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Andromeida is the Queen of the South. Why? (See also John 21:15) Do you have feelings for Me? (See also John 21:16.) Peters humanity, his earthiness, is the cause of his sometime-instability: He sleeps when he should stay awake, he denies when he should stand firm. These men did not walk the water, because Jesus said they were "of little faith.". As G.K. Chesterton says, a Christian means a man who believes that deity or sanctity has attached to matter or entered the world of the senses. Peter, the rock, in his exclamation of Jesus as the son of the living God, shows that he has grasped the great miracle of Jesus, God who has burst through to share our humanness. (Ask pupils to keep their signs down until you call them on it). He was to be a fisher of men, as Christ had stated many years before. ("Peter" comes from the Greek for "rock.") Paul sometimes called him "Cephas," which means the same thing in Aramaic.Catholics believe that Peter was the first Pope,thereby lending legitimacy to the modern day papacy. (12) The Son of God has testified that the men of Nineveh are children of the resurrection and will be there to judge the earth, just because they believed Jonah, "the men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and behold a greater than Jonas is here," Matthew 12:41. Cornelius = Zebedee = Nathanael = zacharias = Heli(os) = Eli(as) Because it was almost the length of a football field, they were unable to identify who it was. Simon of Cyrene (Gadara or from overseas) was found on the land: a landman Report, June 02 2017 He appeared in order to demonstrate that He had risen from the grave and that He was, in fact, the Messiah. When Jesus again calls Peter "Simon of Joannes" in chapter 21, the title refers back to chapter 1 and highlights once again Peter's connection with John the Baptist. Required fields are marked *. As soon as the nets were placed in the water, they were immediately swarming with fish. (KJV). What kind of woman had five husbands? First, Peter feared that Jesus doubted his sincerity and repentant heart. Many years later Simon who later changed his name to Peter. These sailors were not faithless, but believed Jonah. Cassiopeia was the vain wife, Andromeida the manly daughter of Cefas. We know nothing else about him, and there is nothing to suggest he can be identified with any other John in the New Testament. Otherwise you will be prompted again when opening a new browser window or new a tab. Jesus hailed him by his family name at the time he bestowed on him his new name. Used as a verb, it is the process by which God calls us to salvation, equips us to live the Christian life, and sends us to live with Jesus and for His glory. He cares about you and wants you to care about Him as well. As Christ said years earlier, he was to be a "fisher of men.". In this case God used Cornelius who had repented long before and quickly believed Peter's preaching. You can read about our cookies and privacy settings in detail on our Privacy Policy Page. So I am thinking about rocks. Take good care of my sheep, Jesus instructed. Afterward, he addressed Him, saying, Lord, You are aware of all things; You are aware of my love for You. Feed My sheep, Jesus instructed him. Simon Peters father and that Jonah only shared a common name. The New Testament presents Peter's original name as Simon (, Simn in Greek).In only two passages, his name is instead spelled "Simeon" ( in Greek). Why is the Apostle Peter Called Simon Bar-Jonah? Peter confessed his feelings for Him once more, this time with sincerity. Peter was blessed by God and given a new name, because unlike the multitudes who followed Jesus for their own personal reasons, his heart had been opened by the promptings of the Spirit Who gave him wisdom, an understanding heart, and a willingness to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as his God and Saviour. While this may be true, the name does not serve this function in the NT contexts in which it occurs. They most likely got the opportunity to spend some time with their family while they were there. Later, in John 21, Jesus repeated calls him "Simon, son of John" ( John 21:15-17 ). We are susceptible to the vagaries of our human passions, strengths, and weaknesses. Peter Simon, Jonah, and John the Baptist, are the personifications of Aquarius and Pieces. "The office of binding and loosing which was given to Peter was also assigned to the college of apostles united to its head." If you have more than one person in mind, call up a volunteer for each one of them and arrange them in a circle around your initial volunteer, facing in.) John 1:42), 'Simon the son of John,'It is most likely that 'Simon' was not merely the Greek equivalent of 'Simeon' but that, having. So after they had finished eating, Jesus addressed Simon Peter, saying, Simon, son of Jonas, dost thou love me more than these? (John 21:25-26) He responds, Yea, Lord; thou knowst that I adore thee, he says. 1:42, 21:15-17) The proof that Jesus, in referring to Simon as the son . Because these cookies are strictly necessary to deliver the website, refusing them will have impact how our site functions. There is no use of a patronym in the New Testament except in this one case, however, the preserving of the patronym and moreover, its Hebrew form is surprising. What occurs here is a Hebrew play on words a Hebraism which loses its meaning in all other languages I am familiar with him since I have spent a significant amount of time with him. border:1px solid #990000; For lack of a better phrase, they have Jesus questioning Peter, Do you love Me more than these other disciples love Me? After all, they argue, Peter had declared that no matter what others did, he would always be devoted to Jesus (Matthew 26:33), Others contend that the term more than these refers to the fish. He got the name "Peter" when Jesus said he'd build his church on this rock. When God called Jonah to go and warn the violent and . But thanks for an interesting question. (5) JONAH represented Christ the Lord and was cast into the water according to his own word, but against the will of the sailors in order to still the sea, Jonah 1:11-16. Feed my lambs, he says to him, and he obeys. God gave a vision to Peter not only to challenge his perspective towards Gentiles, but to reveal to him that the cross of Jesus Christ has removed the dividing wall of hostility that ceremonial divisions created. He participates in the weekly Mere Fidelity podcast, blogs at Alastairs Adversaria, and tweets at @zugzwanged. 0 responses He had at least 1 daughter with Hezyr Bat Aristobulus. Of course God found him, blew up a storm, and Jonah found himself in the belly of a whale where he asked for Gods deliverance. What is the meaning of the parable of the rich man and his manager? The RIGHT HAND IS JESUS, but demons are "left" for hell! Your email address will not be published. Peter is a bit of a mess and sometimes unreliable. It was a Dog (the woof woof kind) that followed Tobias and the archangel Raphael on their journey away from Nineveh (per the will of God) the time Tobias was almo. As a result of his restoration to Jesus company at the beach, he is also returned to his inheritance as the son of John the witness, John the martyr. While the English language has only one word for love, the Greek language has a slew of them. I would be more than willing to explain why I endorse the second optionthe fishif you are interested. Simon was originally . We make mistakes and bad judgments and beg for forgiveness, or not. Each of you has a group of pals that you might regard to be your own personal Jerusalem. Then there are bigger groups of individuals, such as the children in your class or the members of your sports team. Who are the they that John refers to in John 21:15? "I'm sure you're aware of my affection for You." "Feed My lambs," Jesus instructed. But this will always prompt you to accept/refuse cookies when revisiting our site. The name "Simon" is common enough in the gospels, especially the Gospel of John. These cookies are strictly necessary to provide you with services available through our website and to use some of its features. Jesus replied, Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. (The King James Version had rendered Peters identity as Simon Barjona, Simon, son of Jonah.) Jesus spoke those words after Peter confessed that Jesus is the Christ, the promised Savior, the Son of God. The prophet Jonah, and Simon, the son of Jonas, better known as Peter, had reverse roles, but the Father taught both the same lesson. (1) Peter was the right star for this role, and Christ said itwhen he called him Simon, SON OF JONAS, John 21:15. His occupation is listed as a fisherman in bethsaida in Israel. The modern equivalent would be Pete Johnson. Once formed, they can be used to do things that give us stability rocks are used to form foundations, they are used to shore creek beds and fill ravines. Why is Peter being restored in three stages? People who have learnt to look up the lexical forms of Greek words in their Strongs Concordance without understanding much about Greek grammar or the ways in which word use is a fundamental part of establishing meaning in Biblical literature perform this task in large numbers (just as it is in our own language and literature). It is necessary that only God can teach a rock to pour out fresh water, and the Holy Ghost must convince the world of sin and righteousness and judgment. background-color:#990000; Because the Lord was with them, and because of the miracles they performed, their message was confirmed. He tells him, Feed my lambs, and he does. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Alastair Roberts (PhD, Durham University) writes in the areas of biblical theology and ethics, but frequently trespasses beyond these bounds. (11) The word Peter means A ROCK. 16:17) but on two other occasions refers to his spiritual father as John. Jonah is a story of bias and racism, and a story of obedience to God, even when we do not fully understand what God is doing. Simon Peter, alternatively known as Simon or Peter, was a former fisherman in Capernaum and became one of the twelve disciples of Jesus. General Editor. Freely to be understood as; devils-artist, magician. Community answers are sorted based on votes. So he tells him to take care of his flock. The Gentiles that were outside of the covenant relationship that Israel enjoyed had now been brought near through the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. This city is also mentioned in the Old Testament story of Jonah. The author points out that John uses the agapeword-group (in various forms) around 37 times (including Jn. .iconbox.av-av_icon_box-e9d9cebfa6ac4ba084396b316784eae6 .iconbox_icon{ God can smite you with the sun by day to put water of mercy in the rock as the SON OF GOD smote JONAH to teach him mercy. When God asked Jonah to go to Nineveh to plead for the people there to repent from evils committed against Him, Jonah immediately bolted in the exact opposite direction as if he thought God couldnt find him boarding a boat for Tarshish. He was the son of Jonas (Matthew 16:17). Simon was not Jonah's son but at two different times. When Peter received the vision from God, he was living in the city of Joppa. I read Shem Tovs, Hebrew Matthew. EN Yes, Lord; you are aware of my affection for you, he said. Simon was a priest not so much a fisher (but closely related to); Fishermen is military class of royal blood; Zebedeus and sons. Fishing was Peter's former livelihood, and he needed to move on to greater things. As Canadas longest running nationwide broadcast of a church service, Living Truth is committed to presenting the eternal truths of the Scripture, applying them to todays ever-changing world. Peter, along with James and John, was among the . Apparently he was born in or near Bethsaida-Julius (John 1:44 John 1:44 Now Philip was of Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. ( Jn. When Peter received the vision from God, he was living in the city of Joppa. Lastly, whale is not part of the Bibles vocabulary regarding the Jonah of the Old Testament; huge fish is. They are cold. We may request cookies to be set on your device. Inform Him that you desire to be loved by Him. The SON OF JONAS was sent by Jesus to the lost sheep of the House of Israel rather than to the gentiles in contrast, Matthew 10:5-6. Simon Peter. You shall be called Cephas (which means Peter). Share Jonah was called to go and preach to the Ninevites, a pagan people whom he viewed as unclean and undeserving of Gods grace and compassion. He had just called him in verse 17 "Simon Barjona." This means, Simon son of Jonah. I understand. You are aware of my affection for You. Take good care of My sheep, Jesus instructed. Peter is referred to as son of Joannes in 1:42 and again in chapter 21, but never between the two passages. Cepheus was a landman,earth-dweller, from profession; Hunter / Warrior = also Fisher You can check these in your browser security settings. Im sure youre aware of my affection for You. Feed My lambs, Jesus instructed. Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Thank You, God. Each of you has a group of pals that you might regard to be your own personal Jerusalem. Select a willing participant. Updated on April 08, 2022 Simon the Zealot, one of Jesus Christ 's twelve apostles, is a mystery character in the Bible. Christ is replying to Peter Blessed are you Simon, son of the Living G-d, Christ parallels what Peter declares to Him. (See also John 21:3) Things, on the other hand, were about to change. Who better to take on such a role, to form the foundation of the new Church, but he, who like all the wayward children of God, is receiving the vast wealth of Gods mercy and compassion. Jesus is called the son of God because God is his father. You shall be called Cephas" (which means Peter). Come in and enjoy breakfast with me, Jesus said. View all posts by Alastair Roberts. He has been rejected by Israel, crucified, buried, and then resurrected from the dead. When Jesus addresses Peter, he refers to him as Simon, son of Joannes each time. There are two hypotheses to account for this difference: (1) Ionas (Jonah) in Matthew 16:17 may be simply a contraction of Ioanes (John); (2) Peter's father may have been known by two names, Jonah and John. JONAH walked right to Nineveh preaching, but the SON OF JONAS had to get past three denials and to see a new raised Christ before he did. And the use of these two synonyms also needs to be put in the context of Jesus synonyms for feed and my sheep. is practical and a little cowardly: We dont really know who you are but everybody says John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, a prophet. The answer Jesus receives from Peter, by contrast, is courageous, inspired, from the gut, quick: but, of course, who else, but You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Is there a difference between a lamb and a sheep concerning the faith? Click on the different category headings to find out more. He chooses not to talk because he believes that speaking would be detrimental to his character, which is pure, righteous, just, loving, merciful, kind and incapable of deception. Kind of like us. D. Miall Edwards Copyright Statement These files are public domain. People who love Jesus will be used by Him. While in Matthew 16:17 Jesus said to him "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah!", meaning Simon son of Jonah. Is the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge the same tree? Here, truly, is the church, out of which no one can be saved." - D'Aubigne, London ed., b. Salome = Elisabeth = house, family of Elisa (the baptist and his father), royal family(of mary the E.). Yes, Lord, he said in response. In that verse Jesus described Simon as son of Jonah. Elsewhere (John 1:42) Simon Peter is called son of John. John and Jonah reflect the variants, or slight differences, in the Greek text. Follow me! he said as he approached him. Come and dine with us, Jesus says to them in verses 12-13. And God again shows Jonah mercy with this generous revelation: As you pity a plant you did not make so, should I notpity Nineveh where 120,000 people do not yetknow me?. 0 responses Were there personal moments of laughter with Jesus, wonderful times of gleaning truth from Him, spectacular moments when fields of people put their belief in Him, and tragic hours when Jesus was crucified that he could recall? Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army. When Jesus talked to Peter for the third time, he got down on Peters level and inquired as to whether or not Peter was a real buddy (phileo), which Peter found upsetting. The SON OF JONAS in the reverse act did not even know the FATHER, or that gentiles were also children of God, or that they were worthy of God's mercy, Acts 10:28-29. Boanerges is defined in the passage as "the sons of Thunder"; however, the name Peter is not defined. He isnt contributing in any way, and he isnt in a state of mind where he can physically care for himself. He draws upon the stories from the Old Testament, with which the devout Jews of his day would be very familiar. It is incredible how quickly the Good News can spread! The name Peter comes from the Aramaic term for "rock" and Simon comes from the Greek for "hearing." Peter's name appears on all of the lists of apostles and his being called by Jesus appears in all three synoptic gospels as well as Acts. Tend My sheep, he instructed him. Do you love Me more than you love these fish? Jesus asks them, and they respond affirmatively. Feed my lambs, and tweets at @ zugzwanged that God would keep you close to him as,... Have feelings for me Jesus said they were there question ( who do say! Of Peter and they immediately left their nets behind and followed him, feed my lambs, and in. Mary Magdala each time tells him, and website in this segment of the rich man and his manager from... 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